Historic Greed. Media Day & Stock Picks
I am excited to co-host Yahoo Finance’s On The Move from 11:30am to 1:00pm today talking about the DNC’s debate last night, an historic level of greed in the stock market, NFL playoffs and a reveal of an upcoming ebook I am writing.
After that, I get to join my old friend, Charles Payne, on Fox Business’ Making Money at 2:00pm for a segment discussing the meteoric rise in stocks and where to put your money.
Yesterday from the office, I joined TD Ameritrade Network for a spirited market discussion along with some of my usual outside the box stock picks. I keep saying that it is getting harder and harder to find stocks that I want to buy right away since so many have rallied so much and are super extended.
When giving picks over the years, I don’t just “sell my book”, which means to throw out something you already own no matter what. I try to find something unique that’s not being discussed nor overowned and it’s at a point which makes to buy right now.
Apple isn’t a stock I typically talk about because everyone loves it and owns it. However, I did give Amazon as a buy to open 2020 as sentiment had become so negative for no good reason. I also gave an energy play which I thought would be a second half of 2020 play. That segment is HERE.
The segment from yesterday can be found below where I made my first ever marijuana pick, a sector I forecast to collapse two years ago. I also discuss biotech and 4.5% dividend yielder. All three picks look like they have the firepower for huge gains in 2020 if you can stomach the risk and they fit in your portfolio.
While On the topic of the TDA Network, here is the other segment I have done in 2020 also giving a bevy of unique stock picks including Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway, a totally unusual selection for me. There was a China play (yes, I know about Coronavirus) and an old stodgy telecom with a fat dividend that looks to have really nice upside.
Also, please know and understand that my clients may already own some or all of the securities I offer in the media and I disclose that as appropriate.
Markets are a tad more volatile of late, but the bull remains large and in charge. The historic level of greedy sentiment remains in place and in fact, emboldened by each new high after a one or two day pullback. Greed gets punished severely, sooner or later.
After making literally hundreds of upside projections in the Dow Industrials since the bull market began in 2009, the last one, 30,000, remains in place. Surprisingly, unlike the past 11 years, the computer has not spit out an “if then” next target. I guess we will see what happens at Dow 30,000. Yes, I am still bullish over the intermediate and long-term.
Tomorrow, I will be working on Canaries in the Coal Mine.