
Category: Investing

Heritage Capital Uses Active Management to Help Reduce Investing Anxieties

Are you worried about the potential for market turbulence as we approach the end of the year? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans share that concern due to inflation, a national debt that exceeds $34 trillion, unsettled global conditions, and an election year.  You want to lower your concern level and be positioned to take advantage of buying opportunities in case the market overreacts. This is the role of active investment management during turbulent market conditions.  You may […]   Read More
Date: June 24, 2024

Is Your 2024 Investment Strategy Still Aligned With Your Goals?

Today’s virtual world moves quickly, so staying ahead of market trends is crucial. So far, in 2024, we’ve experienced persistent inflation and continued interest rate fluctuations. And, the biggest uncertainty is a presidential election that will reshape the entire tax landscape in 2025.  Based on recent market volatility, you may ask yourself if your investment strategy is still aligned with your goals, especially if you will retire in the next few years. As retirement planning specialists in New Haven, we […]   Read More
Date: June 17, 2024

Recession Preparation for High-Net-Worth Individuals

The world’s economies, like our own, are never static. They’re always in motion, like tides in the various oceans. This is why, although storms such as inflation and stock market instability aren’t frequent, they’re not unheard of, either. Generally speaking, they blow in, and then, eventually, they depart. Historically, severe storms like recessions have been much rarer, but unfortunately, they can also last even longer. That is why it is crucial to keep your portfolio prepared for possible economic downturns […]   Read More
Date: April 24, 2023

Could a Roth Conversion Ease Your Tax Bite?

Minimizing the amount you pay in taxes is essential for weathering market downturns. However, the complexity of the U.S. tax code often makes it difficult to plan effective tax strategies on your own. This is why affluent taxpayers sometimes assume that their best option is simply to pay whatever they owe each year.  Many of them have no idea how much money they could potentially save by planning financially to lower their tax liability. One strategy worth considering, for instance, […]   Read More
Date: April 17, 2023

How Can a High Net-Worth Individual Fortify Investments?

These can be challenging times for investors. As I’ve mentioned before, the classic 60/40 investment portfolio is not the reliable go-to it was for decades. The economy and stock market both tend to be cyclical, so they should improve over time. However, that probably won’t happen overnight. This is why having a well-diversified investment portfolio is always a good idea. What follows are some additional tips to consider.  This article considers these topics:  Resist the urge to sell when the […]   Read More
Date: December 27, 2022

Is Your Retirement Safe in Today’s Bond Market?

Between higher interest rates, inflation, and a tumbling stock market, it may feel like your retirement savings are in danger. So, is this a good time to get (or keep) invested in bonds? The short answer is “Not without doing your homework first.” Let’s take a look at the state of the bond market. Once we have a working knowledge of the pros and cons, you can decide from there if bonds are still a safe investment for your retirement. […]   Read More
Date: November 7, 2022

Stock Market Due for a Proper Correction in 2022

In a recent interview with FOX61, Paul Schatz, President of Heritage Capital shares the 2022 financial markets forecast and headwinds to prepare for. Listen to what he says you can do to make sure your finances stay stable in the current environment.    Last year we witnessed the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) rise by a spectacular 27% despite worries over COVID, inflation, and rising interest rates. Those high-net-worth investors pursuing high-net-worth investing strategies were suitably rewarded for sticking […]   Read More
Date: February 7, 2022

How Tom and Sally Handled Unexpected Calamities With Very Different Results

I’d be hard-pressed to find two more-contrasting high net worth investing strategies than those employed by Tom and Sally (real people, fictitious names). Each faced turbulent markets – Tom at the start of the Great Recession and Sally during the boom, but their responses were quite different. I think it’s instructive to see what drove them to make their decisions and the outcomes those decisions produced.   Tom’s Unsuccessful Strategy Tom, 62, is an intelligent, hard-working New Haven executive, […]   Read More
Date: January 24, 2022

Behavioral Finance: Why Kevin, Janet, Bruce and Carrie Made the Investment Decisions (and Mistakes) They Did

I recently attended a workshop where I had the opportunity to speak with several investors. Four stand out in my memory for the mistakes they made. Do any of them sound a bit like you?   Kevin: Aversion to Risk Kevin, in his mid-50s, had always been afraid of the stock market. Most of his retirement money was tied up in fixed income securities, predominantly a mutual fund composed of Treasury bonds and notes. He did invest a little (about […]   Read More
Date: December 27, 2021

5 Common Concerns Investors Have Today

As COVID-19 continues to recede, investors must re-adapt to an investment environment less distorted by the economic effects of the pandemic. Add to this new environment some of the same concerns that existed pre-pandemic, and there’s a lot of fear and confusion about investing today and in the future. To help investors navigate this interesting time, I publish regular articles to the Heritage Capital blog and speak to national and local media outlets. At Heritage Capital, we also created a […]   Read More
Date: June 8, 2021