
Category: Retirement Planning

Avoid These 4 Retirement Planning Mistakes When Funding College

Paying for your child’s (or grandchildren’s) college expenses can significantly strain any family’s finances. With rising tuition fees and escalating living expenses, the financial burden of college education is becoming increasingly challenging to manage. As a high-net-worth individual, the dilemma is balancing the desire to provide a quality education for your family along with having a comfortable retirement. Failing to strike the proper balance can easily lead to higher debt, reduced savings, postponed retirement, or a dramatic reduction in your […]   Read More
Date: May 20, 2024

Retirement Strategy: Winning with a Defensive Investment Plan

Market fluctuations can often make you feel like you’re at the mercy of Wall Street, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Unless you have a crystal ball (mine broke 50 years ago), you can’t accurately predict every little market swing (for sure, Wall Street cannot) during periods of market volatility. You should be reminding yourself to focus on “controlling the controllables.” In other words, concentrate on aspects of your wealth you can manage, like making smart, data-driven decisions […]   Read More
Date: April 29, 2024

Top Retirement Questions Answered By Fiduciary Financial Advisors

When you think about retirement, what comes to mind? Most people think about pleasant images of relaxation, activities (golf, pickleball), travel, and spending more time with family and friends. Ideally, your early retirement years can be very enjoyable, but you should also be preparing for your mid and late-retirement years when your lifestyle begins to change. Plus, you can be retired for 30 or more years, so the earlier you start planning, the better. Running out of money late in […]   Read More
Date: March 25, 2024

Will Your Nest Egg Survive Retirement? Answers For Your Top Concerns!

Back in the day, it was standard practice to work until 65 and, in theory, be relegated to a rocking chair or recliner for the remainder of your years. The good news is that retirement today differs significantly from what it used to be for our parents and grandparents. In modern times, retirement takes on a whole new meaning as people are much more healthy and active and want to experience more of what life offers once they stop working […]   Read More
Date: February 26, 2024

Today’s Millionaires: Exploring What “High Net Worth” Really Means

Many individuals and families we provide wealth management services do not consider themselves rich or categorized as “high-net-worth” when they should be. So, what does it really mean to be a high-net-worth individual? In today’s blog, we’ll examine what it means to be a high-net-worth individual and explore how far $1 million will last during your retirement years.  As an independent, accredited investment fiduciary in New Haven, CT, we specialize in helping high-net-worth individuals create sophisticated retirement plans that set […]   Read More
Date: February 12, 2024

Hartford’s Top Financial Advisor Reveals Retirement Strategies for 2024

Gone are the days when a lifetime career with one employer led to a secure pension payment for the rest of your life. Now, the responsibility for building a retirement fund primarily falls on individuals with matching employer contributions. Retirement planning in 2024 is another opportunity to add to your retirement assets. For many, saving enough assets for a comfortable, secure retirement is a significant challenge. Several variables can impact the accumulation of these assets: Inflation, taxes, rising life expectancies, […]   Read More
Date: December 29, 2023

Every Month Counts: 2024 Retirement Planning Made Simple

As a fee-only fiduciary financial advisor in Hartford, CT, taking a more defensive approach to retirement planning is important, especially when the securities markets are extremely unpredictable. Based on that, we have developed a 2024 retirement planning calendar that lists the many unknowns that could impact your retirement plans next year: persistent inflation, rising interest rates, a 2024 Presidential election, and continued market volatility. Regardless of what happens in the economy or stock market in 2024, your retirement plan should […]   Read More
Date: December 27, 2023

Future-Proofing Your Retirement: Tackling Economic Volatility in 2024

If you listen to the “talking heads” in the media these days, you’ll hear about the potential for a recession in 2024, continued inflation, higher-than-normal interest rates, and, if that isn’t enough, the impact of a presidential election year. It all adds up to an unpredictable market and some volatile conditions. So, what does this mean for your investments and retirement plans, and what can you do to prepare for these market conditions?   Doing nothing may not be an option. […]   Read More
Date: December 4, 2023

Break Free from Financial Biases for a More Comfortable Retirement

As a fee-only fiduciary financial advisor in New Haven, I’ve seen firsthand how financial biases can be the unseen pitfalls in the path of many people seeking a comfortable retirement. Using proactive, defensive retirement planning and sophisticated investment management strategies, we aim to help you prepare for and manage market volatility and other factors that can negatively impact your hard-earned retirement assets.  But here’s the catch: even savvy investors succumb to potential biases that cloud judgment and cause poor financial […]   Read More
Date: November 27, 2023

Confident Retirement Planning in 2024: Overcoming Market Uncertainties

In a climate of rising volatility and speculation about a looming recession in 2024, charting your path to retirement might feel like steering a ship through stormy waters. You’ve worked hard to accumulate a substantial retirement nest egg as a professional, business owner, or executive. Now, you need a comprehensive retirement plan to protect your wealth during your 30+ years of retirement and document how you want your assets distributed to family members. In the short run, you need a […]   Read More
Date: October 9, 2023