
Category: Retirement Planning

Retirement Amid 2024 Uncertainties: Planning Ahead with Confidence

2024 could be very challenging, with the potential for a recession during an election year. In other words, several uncertainties could increase market volatility. This uncertainty is compounded if you plan to retire in 2024 or recently retire. You may have a lot of questions or concerns about the future and what you can do to minimize certain risks:    Should I retire in 2024? Have I saved enough for 30 years of retirement? How will market volatility affect my plans? […]   Read More
Date: September 25, 2023

Dreaming of Retirement? Here’s What $3 Million Can Get You

Let’s say you’ve tucked away $3 million for your retirement years in Hartford or New Haven, Connecticut. It might sound like a large amount, but in today’s world of economic uncertainty, inflation, and rising longevity, it’s important to know the real purchasing power of your savings.  In this blog, we’ll explore how viable it is to retire with $3 million in savings and how you can effectively manage these assets with comprehensive retirement planning. Let’s dive in. 1. Retirement Spending […]   Read More
Date: September 18, 2023

Use a Retirement Planner to Avoid Five Critical Retirement Mistakes

Retirement is a distinct phase of life that everyone aspires to reach. It is the time to enjoy the rewards of a lifetime of hard work, saving, and sacrifice. However, it’s important to know that successful retirements require strategic planning by an expert to avoid critical errors that have dire consequences. That’s where the services of an experienced retirement planner in Woodbridge, CT, can be the difference between winning and losing the race.   In this article, we’ll share five of […]   Read More
Date: August 1, 2023

Six Retirement Tips From a Woodbridge, CT, AIF® Financial Advisor

For high-net-worth individuals, retirement planning is not simply about building a nest egg. It involves a complex web of considerations, from maximizing retirement savings to planning for health care late in life. As a fee-only, fiduciary financial advisor based in Woodbridge, CT, I’ve helped hundreds of successful individuals and families create sustainable retirement plans over the last 30 years.   As your wealth accumulates, so should your need for a highly experienced financial professional who has earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary […]   Read More
Date: June 26, 2023

7 Essential Retirement Planning Tips for High-Net-Worth Individuals

Retirement planning is a critical aspect of prudent financial management, and it becomes even more complex when dealing with substantial wealth and income. High-net-worth individuals face unique challenges and opportunities when preparing for their golden years, and having the right strategic plan in place is essential. In this article, we will explore seven key considerations that can help you navigate the complexities of retirement planning as a high-net-worth individual and your family.    Read our Quick Guide on Connecticut Retirement […]   Read More
Date: June 19, 2023

“What if I Run Out of Money?”

Is a recession coming? Are you worried about running out of money after retirement? With the financial uncertainties caused by a likely 2023/2024 recession, global economic turmoil and increasing life expectancies, even some affluent families and individuals are growing apprehensive about their financial future.  However, there is a way to ease those fears—by getting proactive. If you create a comprehensive financial plan for your post-retirement years, you can ensure that your retirement savings last throughout your life. We just need […]   Read More
Date: March 31, 2023

How a 2023 Recession May Impact the Elderly

As the economy continues to show uncertainty, many people are asking themselves how a potential recession in 2023 may impact their finances and future plans. This is especially vital for the elderly population: People living on fixed incomes are facing heightened levels of financial concern alongside retirees-to-be with fewer working-age years left before retirement age.  Even financially independent families and individuals should be aware of the potential risks posed by a 2023 recession. It’s vital to understand which actions taken […]   Read More
Date: March 30, 2023

How to Recession-Proof Your Retirement Savings

A lot of people have been Googling, “are we headed for a recession?” This is because a growing number of people in the financial industry see a recession this year as inevitable. Opinions vary as to how long it could last or how severe it’s likely to be, but nearly everyone agrees that it’s happening. At this point, it’s more of a question of “how soon” than anything else.  However, another good question may be, “Should I be concerned about […]   Read More
Date: February 20, 2023

Why You Should Regularly Update Your Retirement Projections

Retirement planning is an important process that should become a lifelong habit, especially if you are a high-net-worth individual. Given today’s challenging economic and investment environment, it’s even more important to regularly revisit and refine your long-term projections and strategies. Otherwise, you’re driving blindly into the future. Keeping them up-to-date can help ensure that you are prepared for whatever uncertainties may arise in your post-retirement life. This is good because, unfortunately, car accidents, divorces, and lawsuits lack the courtesy to […]   Read More
Date: January 9, 2023

Sole Survivor: How John’s Planning Supported Jill’s Retirement

Divorce is never easy, but it can be made easier—if you plan for it ahead of time. Believe it or not, you may still retire with confidence in Woodbridge. For example, let’s take a look at how a family working with their financial advisor got through a divorce without undue stress or hardship. We’ll also examine their situation before the split in order to see how they got through it afterward. This article discusses the following: How proactive planning can […]   Read More
Date: October 28, 2022