
Tag: semiconductor weakness

Window for Decline Almost Closed

For the past three weeks, our models have been defensive regarding the stock market after the first week’s post-election surge. I often say that when certain conditions are present, a “window of opportunity” opens for a stock market decline. The longer time passes without a decline, the more likely the window will close. Today, the window is starting to close and I imagine that by two weeks from today, it will be fully closed, modest decline or not. The  Dow, […]   Read More
Date: December 7, 2016

Yahoo Finance Today & Quick Update

I am excited to join the good folks at Yahoo Finance for their live show today at noon. To watch, go to and you should see the show streaming. While so many people fretted over the election in Italy, the global financial markets don’t really seem to care this morning with the bulls in charge. Although December is a very positive time for U.S. stocks, it’s backloaded, meaning that the second half of the month is much more powerful […]   Read More
Date: December 5, 2016

Semis & NASDAQ 100 at Odds

On Tuesday, the Semiconductor Index as well as its ETF counterparts hit new lows for 2015. This is important for two main reasons. First, historically, as go the semis, so goes the NASDAQ. And as goes the NASDAQ, so goes the broad stock market. It is an intermediate to long-term concern that the semis are more than just struggling. Bull moves typically do not continue without support from the semis. Below you can see the NASDAQ 100 which is anything […]   Read More
Date: August 19, 2015

Short-Term Murkiness Continues

While I continue to be intermediate and long-term positive on the stock market, there remains a small cloud over the markets in the short-term. That usually means a pullback, which equals weakness to the tune of 3-7%. Market sentiment has become slightly less bullish, but not to the degree where I believe the next launch to all-time highs can begin. Recent price action shows the S&P 500, S&P 400 and NASDAQ 100 poking to all-time highs and then being rejected […]   Read More
Date: April 28, 2015

Fox Business’ Markets Now

I am going to be on Fox Business’ Markets Now on Monday August 26 at 1:00pm. The stock market began a small bounce last week and looks to continue that move this week. Yes, it’s the unofficial last week of summer although many schools have already started and many more begin on the 26th. Volume is typically light this week, but when a geopolitical event occurs like we saw in 2011, 2010, 2008 and 2007, volume will certainly spike. I […]   Read More
Date: August 26, 2013

Dow 15,000, CNBC and more…

I am going to be on CNBC’s Closing Bell today, March 26, at 3pm discussing the S&P 500’s continued assault on all time highs as well as the latest nonsense out of Cyprus, a country with the economic output of Vermont! As you know, we have been very bullish on stocks since mid November, especially through the overhyped fiscal cliff and sequester embarrassments. Sadly, looking at Washington’s fiscal calendar, we have many more “urgent” deadlines in 2013. Yippee! That means […]   Read More

Separating the Election Nonsense from Reality

Here is the latest Street$marts:$marts20121015.pdf   Read More
Date: October 17, 2012