
Category: Retirement Planning

The Facebook Fiasco… A Guide of How NOT to IPO

Here is the latest Street$marts with a detailed article on the bust that is Facebook.$marts20120525.pdf   Read More

The Most Unloved Investment

Last Wednesday, I participated in an interesting discussion on CNBC’s Closing Bell regarding what I consider to be the most “unloved” investment.  Most continue to scratch their heads as to why they haven’t cratered with the trillions of the dollars our Fed has created over the past few years.  But there are bigger stories at play.  For years, most have thought that inflation would really kick into high gear, but that certainly hasn’t happened.  You may have seen it at […]   Read More

Stocks at Inflection Point

Here is the article based on my interview with CNBC’s European Closing Bell from May 1. The 2012 bull market still has further to run, according to Paul Schatz, president of Heritage Capital, an independent investment banking and advisory firm. Instead of a major selloff, Schatz believes that the equity markets will only peak later on in the year, or early in 2013. But he’s undecided about whether this will incorporate a “sell in May and go away” mantra. […]   Read More

Europe’s Debt Problems are Here for Many More Years

In my bi-weekly interview with my friends from ET NOW in India, I continue to share my long-term view that Europe’s debt problems are not going away anytime soon.  Although that may seem bad on the surface, markets have a way of discounting known and anticipated news into current prices. Remember 2008?  Who could forget it?!?! The stock market turned down long before the economy and news.  And right at THE bottom in March 2009, the news was about as […]   Read More

Gold to $2000 and Beyond

Here is the second video I did with the folks from Yahoo! at their beautiful new studio in the city.  Anytime there are bold statements on gold, people come out of the woodwork to comment.  And I would be surprised if they aren’t at least 100 comments by the time you read this.  One of the great myths is that gold goes up when there is inflation. I think the 1990s is the perfect example of why that isn’t true.  […]   Read More

The Fed, QE and Earnings Season

I had a great time with the folks at Yahoo! yesterday in New York in their brand spanking new studio.  We tape three fairly controversial segments and Matt Nesto knew exactly how to bait me just right!  Here is the first piece. Enjoy! In case you missed it, The House of Mirrors has officially taken the place of The Earnings & Fundamental Palace on Wall Street. I say this at a time when the aspirations and way forward for […]   Read More

Jobs Report Overreaction

Last week on CNBC I commented on how investors and the media are way too concerned about one less than expected jobs report from Friday, just like they were way too celebratory last month.  While I am glad we raised cash a few weeks, I plan to redeploy that this quarter into weakness. Give a look…     Read More

What Keeps Me Up at Night

Here is the latest Street$marts.$marts20120405.pdf   Read More

Apple… Is this Time Really Different???$marts20120325.pdf     Read More

The Coming Crash in Apple or the Road to $1000$marts20120309.pdf     Read More