
Tag: IPO market

Lyft a Bust??? Stocks Soar & Roar

Last week, we ended with the hottest and most anticipated IPO in a very long time. It was one that caused me to dust off my HOT IPO Roadmap and tell you to run for the hills. Lyft came public to all the glory and hoopla of a Ringling Brother circus. And certainly not to my surprise, it fell flat on its face after running above $88. Last I checked, it was sub $70. The pundits were chastising Uber for […]   Read More
Date: April 2, 2019

Hot IPO, LYFT, Coming Out. Time to Buy?

“Hot” IPOs like Alibaba, Twitter and Facebook are usually very emotional, much anticipated and huge financial media events.  Investors clamor for these stocks, usually throwing caution to the wind as fundamentals are trampled by greed. The media are usually camped out at the NYSE or NASDAQ with minute by minute updates as to where the stock may open. As I have discussed over and over, emotion in investing can have a very detrimental impact on your portfolio! That’s one of […]   Read More
Date: March 29, 2019

A Face for Radio

Here is the link from my FOX Business segment on Monday.  You will notice that I was on the phone rather than in front of the camera.  I guess they finally realized that I had a better face for radio!   Read More