
Category: Investing

Summer Rally, Pre-Election Sell-Off The stock market will experience a summer rally, followed by a sell-off in the fall right before the election, Paul Schatz, chief investment officer of Heritage Capital LLC, told Yahoo. Schatz said the first half of the year had a few unique twists, but it has been fairly typical for election-year market indices. “It’s been an interesting first half,” he said. “We were vertical for a while and then we gave almost all of it back and now we’re […]   Read More
Date: June 29, 2012

What would Thomas Jefferson Say to the Architects?

The latest Street$marts is out, “What would Thomas Jefferson Say to the Architects?”$marts20120625.pdf Topics in this issue include a little known, but important economic indicator, the latest pullback in stocks and where gold is headed.   Read More

Fed Day is Here

Today is Fed day with split announcements.  At 12:30pm, the official announcment and statement come out and then Ben Bernanke will hold his press conference at 2:15pm. The Fed is not going to move rates.  They will likely downgrade their view of the economy. So far in 2012, every single Fed statement day has been a big day for the bulls.  The market is anticipating some extension of stimulus or outright quantitative easing (creating money to buy securities, likely in […]   Read More
Date: June 20, 2012

Who Do You Trust?

The latest Street$marts has just been posted!$marts20120605.pdf     Read More

Can You Trust the Experts?

One story related by Peter L. Bernstein in “Against the Gods: the remarkable story of risk” was the experience of Kenneth Joseph Arrow, an American economist and joint winner of the 1972 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. Some officers had been assigned the task of forecasting weather a month ahead, but Arrow and his statisticians found that their long-range forecasts were no better than numbers pulled out of a hat. The forecasters agreed and asked their superiors to be relieved […]   Read More

The Facebook Fiasco… A Guide of How NOT to IPO

Here is the latest Street$marts with a detailed article on the bust that is Facebook.$marts20120525.pdf   Read More

JP Morgan, The Next Recession and The Wave of New Jobs

I did an interview with FOX Business on Friday where I offered my comments on the overblown mess at JP Morgan, which is the story of the day/week.  I also opined that the next recession in the US will likely be seen in 2013 or 2014.  I was somewhat surpised that the anchor thought that was so outrageous.  Except for the 1990s, we typically see one or two recessions per decade with one being more severe than the other when […]   Read More
Date: May 15, 2012

Once Again, It’s About Europe

Socialist candidate Francois Hollande won the election in France, throwing the Eurozone into a tizzy as Germany no longer has a fiscally conservative partner in France.  This is going to get very interesting as we have Germany favoring austerity and a more hard line fiscal path, while France will look to curb the expense cuts, raise taxes and possibly increase spending.  Markets cratered overnight, especially in Asia, but by the time the US opened, losses were more muted.  And by […]   Read More
Date: May 7, 2012

The Most Unloved Investment

Last Wednesday, I participated in an interesting discussion on CNBC’s Closing Bell regarding what I consider to be the most “unloved” investment.  Most continue to scratch their heads as to why they haven’t cratered with the trillions of the dollars our Fed has created over the past few years.  But there are bigger stories at play.  For years, most have thought that inflation would really kick into high gear, but that certainly hasn’t happened.  You may have seen it at […]   Read More

Stocks at Inflection Point

Here is the article based on my interview with CNBC’s European Closing Bell from May 1. The 2012 bull market still has further to run, according to Paul Schatz, president of Heritage Capital, an independent investment banking and advisory firm. Instead of a major selloff, Schatz believes that the equity markets will only peak later on in the year, or early in 2013. But he’s undecided about whether this will incorporate a “sell in May and go away” mantra. […]   Read More