
Tag: Whole Foods

Seasonals Say No, But Bulls Say Yes

The major stock market indices closed last week on decent footing and should be poised for further gains with the Dow and S&P 500 seeing new highs first . Even the recently hit NASDAQ 100 hung in and remains above the line in the sand I drew last week. However, this week is a seasonally weak one as it’s the five days immediately following June option expiration. We’ll see how that plays out as pre-market indications show a higher open. […]   Read More
Date: June 19, 2017

Bulls Still in Charge (as is Amazon!)

The major stock market indices put in a very constructive day on Thursday with stocks opening at their lows for the day and closing in the upper end of the range. The beaten down NASDAQ 100 saw the best behavior as it tries to repair itself from two unexpectedly large and volatile down days over the past month from all-time highs. One clue will be a weekly closing price for this index and the semiconductors near the high for the […]   Read More
Date: June 16, 2017