Let’s start with Friday’s employment report where 467,000 new jobs were created versus the 200,000 forecast. Unemployment ticked up .1% to 4%. My initial thought was WOW! Finally, a beat and not bad in absolute terms. I didn’t really care about the uptick in the rate. Maybe the job market was correcting and the structural issues were going away. That would be such welcomed news. I didn’t give it much more thought until I read a piece over the weekend […]
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In a recent interview with FOX61, Paul Schatz, President of Heritage Capital shares the 2022 financial markets forecast and headwinds to prepare for. Listen to what he says you can do to make sure your finances stay stable in the current environment. Last year we witnessed the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) rise by a spectacular 27% despite worries over COVID, inflation, and rising interest rates. Those high-net-worth investors pursuing high-net-worth investing strategies were suitably rewarded for sticking […]
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Between a crazy earnings season and a steady stream of economic data, it’s like a constant strobe light show, or as someone else tweeted, like being a dog on a squirrel farm. As you know, I thought 2021 would close with very strong economic data that would weaken in 2022. Q4 GDP came in super powerful at +6.9% which was more than a full point ahead of estimates. It is almost impossible for politicians and others to argue that the […]
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And just like that, 2021 is over. A year that began with so much hope and positivity with COVID vaccines and therapeutics ends with more of a whimper than a bang on the health front. However, the exact opposite happened on the financial market front where equities and other “risk on” assets closed at or near all-time highs. The fourth quarter of 2021 was relatively quiet, or as quiet as anyone could expect with a global pandemic nearing the beginning […]
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What a nice turnaround on Friday! One person I read attributed it to “everyone” not working because of the impending blizzard on Saturday. That was a new one for me after 32 years in the business. In the summer, those same people blame The Hamptons for August declines. Now we’re crediting Mother Nature with rallies. Oh boy. Anyway, I have often written that Friday bottoms are not to be trusted and that they’re rare. However, can we really say Friday […]
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This past Monday we saw the first sign of panic and despair in the stock market. It was enough to see a massive intra-day reversal. In the old days, you know, like before Q4 2018, we used to call Monday the internal or momentum low. That’s the low where the majority of stocks are at their worst. In 2008 that low was in October, even though we didn’t see the final price bottom until March 2009. Look at the two […]
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Sorry for the delay in getting this published. We lost power in the office and that set everything back. I did enjoy zipping home to work from there for an hour and eating Costco mini chocolate chips cookies! Fed Chair Jay Powell and the FOMC conclude their first two-day meeting of 2022 today with a statement at 2pm and press conference to follow. It is no secret that the Fed’s taper plan should conclude in March and that interest rates […]
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Before I dive in, here are the last two media segments I did over the last week or so with very specific comments on the markets over the short and intermediate-term. Investors are overloaded with mega cap tech stocks Fearless Forecast 2022 – UPDATED Three straight days of heavy selling for the stock market with Friday looking the ugliest. Wherever this decline finds a low, the fact that the selling is accelerating means that at least a trading low should […]
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I’d be hard-pressed to find two more-contrasting high net worth investing strategies than those employed by Tom and Sally (real people, fictitious names). Each faced turbulent markets – Tom at the start of the Great Recession and Sally during the dot.com boom, but their responses were quite different. I think it’s instructive to see what drove them to make their decisions and the outcomes those decisions produced. Tom’s Unsuccessful Strategy Tom, 62, is an intelligent, hard-working New Haven executive, […]
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Last Friday’s little reversal is a distant memory. Tuesday saw selling right out of the gate. On Wednesday and Thursday, the bulls went to work in the morning, exactly what I did not want to see. When markets are pulling back or correcting, you would rather see weak openings that flush out sellers and entice the bulls to do some buying. The last two days broke the hearts of the bulls as early strength was heavy sold with stocks cratering […]
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