Let me start out by reiterating what I have been offering for the past 5 weeks. Inflation is in the process of peaking. In late October with the good folks at Yahoo Finance, I was very firm about looking for inflation to peak between November and March. Few have joined my party which is A-Okay with me. It won’t even make my top 10 list of concerns for 2022. And with that, supply chain issues are no more by the […]
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On Monday as stocks looked to surge and recoup some of what was lost on Friday, I offered that the bounce would likely be underwhelming and I thought new lows would ensue at some point over the coming week or two. I didn’t think that would happen the very next day, but the market gods don’t always deliver in the manner I expect. Regarding Tuesday, it was an ugly day with almost 90% of the volume trading on the down […]
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Following up from yesterday’s video, the stock market seeks to bounce back from Friday’s holiday-shortened, 2% drubbing. Yes, no matter how the bears slice it, the decline remains only 2% and a stone’s throw from all-time highs. The bears think this is the beginning of the end for the bull market and a collapse lies in wait for 2022. The bulls find the decline “curious” and interestingly timed along with the utter collapse in oil. One thing I have very […]
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They say we learn from our mistakes, but when it comes to retirement, the lesson may come too late to be of any value! With that in mind, here’s an opportunity to learn from someone else’s – a cautionary tale about the importance of a second opinion and switching financial advisors. An investor, who I’ll call “Jack,” was a mid-level manager at a large Fortune 500 company. He liked his company but admitted that it didn’t offer much advice on […]
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Today and Friday are super strong days on a seasonal basis for stocks. That’s how it is every year around Thanksgiving although certain setups make the days stronger or weaker. With pre-market futures indicating a moderately lower open, we will see if the bulls borrowed some positivity on Tuesday. I do not sense a big down day regardless. There is certainly enough bearishness around and it seems to be growing. The other day I mentioned the calls for global collapse. […]
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Greetings from the left coast where I am in the process of traveling home from a mystical and magical week at Pebble Beach with friends. Having not been there for 31 years, I was at a loss for words to describe how amazing it felt to be back at the greatest golf resort on earth, not to mention playing golf with and socializing with a good number of PGA and LPGA pros. If only my golf game cooperated! Looking back […]
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Hopefully, you have seen my thesis that inflation is in the process of peaking. Notice, I didn’t say it peaked. The process has begun. That’s high conviction and what I going with until proven otherwise. If I am correct we will see this unfold in various sectors and asset classes, like commodities, industrials, materials, energy and bonds. For the past week I have not had strong conviction that the mild, barely discernible pullback was over and I still don’t. Sentiment […]
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The bulls enjoyed a nice bounce back on Friday from the minuscule pullback last week. While it’s not my highest conviction play it certainly looks like there should a bit more downside to come, and preferably before the holiday. As I mentioned last week, sentiment is getting to the point where is about as euphoric, greedy and giddy as it ever gets, rivaling several spots in the post-2008 bull market as well as the Dotcom era. But before you assume […]
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Markets have been super quiet over the past few days. We have seen the pause and mild pullback I wrote about, but there should be more to it. Sentiment is back in the greedy, euphoric stage, but let’s remember that frothiness usually needs some structural damage before we see real weakness. Economic and earnings data continue to support my theme that the economy is re-accelerating strongly. Inflation data is the hottest in 31 years which also is right in line […]
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Let’s talk pre-Thanksgiving turkey. From October 12 through November 8, the S&P 500 has basically gone straight up with one noticeable down day on October 27. That’s only one real down day in 18. That would be called a powerful and momentum driven market. Momentum dies hard. Strength begets strength. Eventually, the bulls just get exhausted and stocks pull back because there’s no buying power available. That’s the likely scenario here. Stocks will just mildly pull back with little notice. […]
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