
Category: Paul’s Insights

Fed Day Again?!?!

Boy did six weeks fly by! Here we are again. At 2pm we will hear from the Fed that interest rates remain unchanged, but their economic outlook is probably on the positive side. I also expect a comment or two about China and then the laying of groundwork for a possible rate hike six weeks from now. I still do not agree with any rate increase, but it seems like it’s coming. The stock market model for the day is […]   Read More
Date: October 28, 2015

Catching Their Breath

After a huge win for the bulls last week, stocks have become very short-term overbought. I don’t think the rally is over nor do I think any meaningful weakness will unfold. Rather, I think the bulls need a pause to refresh which can be accomplished by going sideways for a period of time or seeing a quick pullback. Either way, new highs should be up next and buying any weakness is the strategy until proven otherwise. Am I certain that […]   Read More
Date: October 26, 2015

My Broken Record Continues

Same ole story here folks. Stocks bottomed. Bears trapped. Investors disavow the rally. All-time highs in sight. Dow 20,000. Talk has certainly turned from questioning me on how the market could possibly rally to when the rally might end to now finally embracing the rally. I love how the naysayers dismiss and disavow the move because there was some “external force” like the dovish talk from the ECB or China cutting rates. That’s what happens! Another huge week from the […]   Read More
Date: October 23, 2015

Pain for the Bears

After two straight down days and four days of pause overall, the bulls roared back to life on Thursday as you would normally expect during a powerful move off a bottom. It’s that first mild pullback from a significant low where the bears get a little excited that it could be another leg down, but all of the Johnny Come Lately bulls realize it may be their last chance to get on board. More pain for the bears. Recent sentiment […]   Read More
Date: October 16, 2015

The Train has Left the Station

It’s been quite a week for the bulls and an almost straight up move from the nasty open last Friday on the weaker than expected employment data. Earlier this week, I posted a study that concluded a huge Q4 rally was underway. And that was on the heels of a series I have published on post crash behavior that was also strongly bullish. The train has left the station. Where are all the mouthpieces who were calling for a bear […]   Read More
Date: October 9, 2015

Down August AND September Equals HUGE Q4 Rally

Although I have been struggling to find enough stocks behaving constructively in the 9 major sectors to lead the next rally, I still do not see a meaningfully bearish scenario at this point for Q4. Besides the post crash trend, which can be viewed HERE, HERE and HERE, almost every sentiment indicator is showing excessive pessimism, which translates into positive returns going forward this quarter. After the month of August closed down, I shared two separate studies that indicated that […]   Read More
Date: October 7, 2015

More on the Post Crash Pattern… Both Paths are Bullish

The only thing missing from a “perfect” pattern is for the S&P 500 to breach the August lows for up to a few days. I hesitate to use the word “perfect” because it rarely plays out exactly as I expect, but it certainly did so in 2011. Additionally, in both 1987 and 1989 which I partially dismissed, the final lows did not breach the crash lows before the big rally began. As you can see from the chart above, I […]   Read More
Date: October 6, 2015

Post-Crash Behavior Still Following My Scenario

Immediately after the August 24 mini crash, I opined that the bottoming process could begin as early as that very week, which it did. I also wrote extensively and did a fair amount of media discussions on the topic. So far, the major indices are nicely following that scenario which had stocks rallying off the crash low into a September peak and then revisiting that low by the middle of October. Remember the comparisons I offered from 1987, 1989, 1994, […]   Read More
Date: October 5, 2015

Are We There Yet?

This feels like a family car trip with one of the kids constantly asking, “are we there yet?” Much of what I have to say remains the same. Stocks have almost perfectly followed my post mini-crash scenario since August 24 and they are now in the zone for a possible successful retest of those lows between now and say, October 15. With the major indices opening sharply higher today, talk will once again focus on IF we have seen the […]   Read More
Date: September 30, 2015

Was That It?

At their worst levels on Thursday, the major stock indices were bludgeoned and downright ugly. The Dow was down to 16,000 and could have been cracked open like a coconut today had the bulls not mounted a very strong late day charge. The rally was somewhat impressive and leaves open the question of whether we just saw the revisiting of the August lows I have spoken about on CNBC’s Fast Money and written about here. With stocks looking up more […]   Read More
Date: September 25, 2015