
Category: Investing

The “All Important” Employment Report

Today is Jobs Friday and the pundits are usually out in force predicting the number of non-farm payroll jobs created. That’s one area I usually steer clear of as it is probably the most volatile, inconsistent and unpredictable economic number of the month. What’s even more futile is forecasting the market’s reaction, which is sometimes a head scratcher. Last month’s number was a complete and utter disaster, but the stock market barely shrugged and tested the highs the following week. […]   Read More
Date: February 7, 2014

Bears Take a Breather

Here is the link to the segment I did on Fox Business the other day with Lori Rothman and Adam Shapiro. This pretty much spells out what I have written here regarding my thoughts on the market this quarter. Thanks to Adam and Lori for letting me articulate my forecast. Stock market action over the past two days gives a glimmer of hope to the bulls for a short-term rally. I do not believe the final bottom is in as […]   Read More
Date: February 6, 2014

Fox Business TODAY @ 1:05 PM

I am going to be on Fox Business’ Markets Now at 1:05 PM EST today, February 4, discussing the stock market’s plunge from the perspective of someone who forecasted it a month ago. Yesterday’s collapse was very broad based with 94% of the volume on the downside. That’s the second 90%+ downside volume day of the decline and while a little late, confirmed that the stock market is in a corrective phase. Sentiment has come way off the overly bullish […]   Read More
Date: February 4, 2014

Battered, Bruised & Beaten Up

After that “thrilling” Super Bowl, the markets come back to work kind of like Peyton Manning, battered, bruised, beaten up and in need of some TLC. Unfortunately, any TLC seen in the stock market should only be temporary and lead to more selling and lower lows. I am starting to see some constructive things, but the market isn’t there yet. Downside targets are beginning to develop and the easiest one in the S&P 500 is the 1700 area, which represents […]   Read More
Date: February 3, 2014

Snap Back

Stocks are opening sharply higher after Wednesday’s drubbing. We have not seen the ultimate low for a good rally. That looks to come in February. This little rally should be more than a one day wonder, but if it somehow fizzles out and closes in the red today, look out below! I think you could see one of those trap door, elevator shaft declines that forces a mini panic. I don’t think that scenario plays out, but it’s something to […]   Read More
Date: January 30, 2014

Turnaround Tuesday

The carnage continued yet again on Monday, spilling over from Friday’s sharp decline. If you turned on the TV, you would have thought stocks are down double digits and in free fall the way the pundits are talking about this little decline. But you know better. Since the first of the year when the market started losing the positive calendar tailwind, I have been discussing a scenario for a routine and healthy bull market pullback of 5-10%. That’s where we […]   Read More
Date: January 28, 2014

Stock Market in Tailspin but Bull Market Lives In

The latest Street$marts has been posted.$marts20140124.pdf   Read More
Date: January 27, 2014

Top 5 Tips for Financial Fitness in 2014

Here is the link to my segment on Fox 61 in CT, Top 5 Tips for Financial Fitness in 2014   Read More

Even the Bears are Bulls… for Now

The stock market is tired, again. That seems like a phrase I have used often this year without much follow through. There have been many times in 2013 when the market had risen sharply and then looked just plain weary. Instead of correcting or even pulling back smartly, the stock market behaved like it does when it’s in a powerful bull trend; it’s consolidated sideways within a few percent of its high and then blasted off again. “Is this time […]   Read More
Date: December 2, 2013

Fox Business, Stocks, Bonds, Gold and Oil

I am going to be on Fox Business’ Markets Now at 1:05pm today (Wednesday) discussing the stock market’s recent assault on Dow 16,000, a target I gave several times here and in the media. Now that the market is there, what’s next? I can tell you that from my perspective, risk has increased substantially, but by no means should the bull market be over. Stocks are overdue for at least a pullback (2-8%), but probably more on the downside next […]   Read More
Date: November 20, 2013