

Fed to Hike by 1/4% – Balance Sheet Balloons Again!

Today, the FOMC (Fed) concludes their regularly scheduled two-day meeting. And for the first time in years, there are two outcomes being discussed by market participants which makes today all the more interesting. The stock market model for the day is plus or minus 0.50% and then a rally into the close post-2pm. However, we should realize that the stock market has rallied smartly into the announcement, taking some firepower away. In my view what usually is an 80% certainty […]   Read More
Date: March 22, 2023

UBS, Fed and More of the Same

While the major stock market indices struggled on Friday and it looked on the ugly side, the range from high to low was still in between the range from Thursday. The NASDAQ 100 remains the strongest and the S&P 400 and Russell 2000 remain the weakest. I would like to see the weak bounce without the leaders ceding. That may be a tall task right here, but the bulls need to get prices to close above Thursday’s high. Over the […]   Read More
Date: March 20, 2023

Markets Still on Edge

The end to a volatile week is here and the “risk on” markets fared well over the past two days. The bears tried to break keenly watched levels, but they were thwarted at each attempt. The NASDAQ 100 has behaved very well along with other growth indices while mid and small cap have been lagging. This combination makes an assessment more challenging. While I love seeing tech and the subsectors rally and lead, the market absolutely needs the financials to […]   Read More
Date: March 17, 2023

Volatility Rising But Nowhere Close to 2008 or Even 2022

I am still surprised that Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) created so much panic and anxiety over the weekend since the news broke on Friday. I guess losing two banks in the blink of an eye with the second and third largest failures in history reminded too many people of 2008. As I have said too many times to count, this is not 2008. It’s not even close except that it’s in the same millennium. Don’t get me wrong. I am […]   Read More
Date: March 15, 2023

Bank Failure, Bank Runs and Images of 2008

As I mentioned on Friday to those who receive our regular blog updates, markets had two giant pieces of news to digest. First, Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB) was put into receivership by the FDIC and then we had the February employment report. I thought I was going to spend this post on the latter as it’s the biggest economic report of the month and would offer clues on what the Fed would be doing next week when they meet again. […]   Read More
Date: March 13, 2023

Bears in Control as Market Waits on Big News

Lots of market moving news this morning. The monthly jobs report will be out at 8:30am and while I do not have a strong view on the number, I do think that last month’s crazy good number will be revised lower. We also have news on Silicon Valley Bank about a capital raise gone wrong. That is never a good thing for a bank and raises solvency issues. I vividly remember Bear Sterns in 2008. On the Friday before they […]   Read More
Date: March 10, 2023

Powell Rained on the Parade

It’s always interesting from week to week and month to month when the markets react to Fed Chair Jay Powell’s various speeches and Fed minutes. He and the Fed have been clear on the path for interest rates, yet the reactions have been all over the map. On Tuesday Powell spoke and reiterated that we would see higher rates for longer. This time after a two-day market rally, stocks basically gave back the rally from the second day. Mid and […]   Read More
Date: March 8, 2023

Hating, Disavowing and Fighting the Rally

For all the complaining I do regarding Mother Nature, it would be rude and disrespectful if I did not thank her for the 15 inches of snow she dropped on us Friday night and Saturday morning in Vermont. So, thank you kindly! On Friday I wrote about the bulls battling back precisely at the time when the bears were about the declare victory. The same thing happened in December as well as last October. While the masses are all disavowing, […]   Read More
Date: March 6, 2023

Bulls Battle Back Right on Cue

Over the past week I have been pointing out that I wanted to see stocks gather themselves and the bulls take charge again. I didn’t want to see much more than a 5% pullback as that would open up further downside. On Thursday the stock market did collect itself after a rough morning that took the S&P 500 below the February lows. By the end of the day we saw strength and a nice reversal. But we need to see […]   Read More
Date: March 3, 2023

Are You Ready for Tax Season?

Are you prepared for the upcoming tax season? With deductions, changes in regulations, inflation, and sometimes-uncertain markets, it’s important to take a moment and evaluate your financial position before filing.  Tax season can be an especially stressful time for affluent families and individuals: The filing process often involves numerous documents, scaling hungrily with the size of your income. However, with enough forethought and planning, it doesn’t have to be painful. Whether you’ve yet to begin collecting your tax records or […]   Read More
Date: March 2, 2023

Bulls Need to Gather Themselves Quickly

Let me start off  by reiterating that nothing has changed in my outlook on the first half of 2023 or the full year. However, I cannot say I am exactly excited about how stocks have behaved lately. While I do not think it’s anything cataclysmic they do need to start gathering themselves and quickly. A move for anything other than a day below last week’s low would open the door for lower prices and likely give up all of 2023’s […]   Read More
Date: March 1, 2023

Bears Make More Noise – Some Key Actions for the Bulls

The stock market returns from its worst week of 2023 with a higher opening indicated, not exactly what I wanted to see after last week’s drubbing. I would much prefer a lower open that exceeds Friday’s low, stabilizes and then gathers some steam into lunch. The risk is always that the opening range is the high for the day and then sellers come in strongly. The S&P 500 is below and you can see how it rallied to my horizontal, […]   Read More
Date: February 27, 2023

Bears Testing The Downside

The stock market continues to absorb the latest barrage of hotter than expected inflation news from the CPI, PPI and PCE this morning. While stocks and bonds have pulled back, the dollar has rallied. As was my theme in Q4, the stock market needs a softer dollar (see chart below) and 2-Year and 10-Year that do not make new highs for a durable bottom to remain. Right now, that thesis is being tested. The 10-Year yield is  below and it […]   Read More
Date: February 24, 2023

Bears Work Not Done – Bonds Key

On Friday the “risk on” markets put in another solid showing in the face of hotter economic news. Any day other than a Friday and I would have been more excited that a little low was forming. Fridays are notoriously poor days to establish a bottom. Markets come back from a nice, three-day weekend with the bears looking to do some damage with pre-market action showing a move beneath Friday’s low. That’s not exactly the warm and fuzzy the bulls […]   Read More
Date: February 21, 2023

How to Recession-Proof Your Retirement Savings

A lot of people have been Googling, “are we headed for a recession?” This is because a growing number of people in the financial industry see a recession this year as inevitable. Opinions vary as to how long it could last or how severe it’s likely to be, but nearly everyone agrees that it’s happening. At this point, it’s more of a question of “how soon” than anything else.  However, another good question may be, “Should I be concerned about […]   Read More
Date: February 20, 2023

2-Year & Fed Funds in Harmony Today

More hotter than expected inflation came in on Thursday and several Fed heads were out in the media reinforcing their higher for longer message. While the 2-Year has bounced this month it is currently sitting right on the Fed Funds Rate, meaning temporary perfect equilibrium. The next thing to watch for is when the 2-Year hits 4%. That will confirm the rate hike cycle is officially and firmly over. I expect to see that next quarter. I also want to […]   Read More
Date: February 17, 2023

Recession Crowd Remains Wrong

On Tuesday, the government released the Consumer Price Index which came in a little hotter than expected. Today, we saw that Retail Sales also came in stronger than expected. Once again, the economy remains stronger than expected which is a good thing no matter how the political pundits spin it. Remember last July when recession became political? I wonder what happened to all those nutjobs who were chirping that the U.S. was already in recession. They must be hanging out […]   Read More
Date: February 15, 2023

Dollar, 2-Year & 10-Year Bouncing – Buy Pullback in Stocks

When you strongly dislike both teams in the Super Bowl along with their coaches, you root hard for a great game regardless of who wins. I think everyone would agree it was a great game. Long gone are the years when the NFC would trounce the AFC by 20+ points every year. I am sure all the arm chair coaches are out in full force this morning complaining about time management by the Eagles and referees that wanted that the […]   Read More
Date: February 13, 2023

Rough Few Days for Stocks as Yields Rise

It’s been a rough few days for the stock market. After such a powerful move in January and into February that shouldn’t be a surprise. The other day I wrote that a mild or modest pullback should not shock anyone and should be used as a buying opportunity. Nothing has changed to make me think otherwise. Since Friday’s eye-popping employment report, market-driven interest rates have risen as stocks have declined. Below is the 2-Year Note with the Federal Funds Rate […]   Read More
Date: February 10, 2023

Fireworks at the State of the Union

My thesis has been to buy any and all mild or modest pullbacks in stocks, bonds, gold and Bitcoin. Another opportunity presented itself on Tuesday morning after a small pullback. It certainly looked like Fed Chair Jay Powell’s remarks were going to be taken well and not the start of a more pronounced decline. And I was glad to not be sitting watching when stocks surged and then plunged on the release of his speech. During that time I shared […]   Read More
Date: February 8, 2023