
Category: Paul’s Insights

Speaking Out of Both Sides of my Mouth

It was such a pleasure and privilege to spend an hour on Fox Business’ Opening Bell with Liz Claman, one of my all time favorite anchors. She was hysterical off camera and we had a lot of fun with the various segments which I will publish here over the next week. The whole Fox Business crew was incredibly nice as they always are. I can’t wait to do it again, hopefully next month. The first topic we covered was Market […]   Read More
Date: May 22, 2014

Just Call Me “No One”

FYI, I have the privilege of co-hosting Fox Business’ Opening Bell this Monday from 10:00am – 11:00am. Maria Bartiromo is on vacation so I finally get to meet Liz Claman after being interviewed by her for years and years. I am a HUGE fan! All Time Highs… Bull Market Alive Earlier last week, I wrote an article called All Time Highs on Tap where the Dow and S&P 500 would see all time highs unaccompanied by the other major indices. […]   Read More
Date: May 18, 2014

An Hour on Fox Business’ Opening Bell

I am really excited to join Liz Claman who is subbing for Maria Bartiromo from 10am to 11am on Monday the 19th on Fox Business’ Opening Bell. Having been interviewed by Liz many times during her tenure at CNBC, I can’t wait to meet her and co-host the show for a full hour. She is one smart woman! As I worried about having enough to say, I am often reminded by my family that I don’t know when to shut […]   Read More
Date: May 17, 2014

All Time Highs on Tap

Despite significant warnings from the S&P 400 mid caps, Russell 2000 small caps, Nasdaq 100 and a host of sectors, the Dow Jones Industrials and S&P 500 are poised to see all time highs this week. The headlines will look nice and investors may cheer, but serious damage remains beneath the surface over the intermediate-term. Yes, we remain long various indices and sectors, but we will likely lighten up or hedge on a quick spurt higher. If we do see […]   Read More
Date: May 12, 2014

Key Sectors Sending Up Bearish Warning Signs

Last week, in Major Indices Issue Warning, I discussed how the strength in the Dow and S&P 500 were masking weakness in the other major indices and how a warning sign was given. Today, I go a step further and dive into the key sectors of the stock market. We begin this section with the S&P 400, Russell 2000 and NASDAQ 100 all showing relative weakness, a clear red flag. Below is the first key stock market sector and also […]   Read More
Date: May 9, 2014

All-Time Highs in Sight

This is it. Put up or shut up time for the Dow and S&P 500. Both are positioned constructively to power to all-time highs over the next week. And I think they will. With sentiment mixed, it’s hard to believe that there will be any mass celebration of new highs, especially with the index problems I discussed here. In fact, I think there is very little chance that the three other major indices will confirm the Dow and S&P 500 […]   Read More
Date: May 6, 2014

Economy “Booming”

288,000 NEW jobs created in April. Unemployment rate plummets to “only” 6.3%. The U.S. economy is back! Does it feel like that to you or your friends? My thesis since the crisis began has been that post financial crisis recoveries are frustrating. They tease and tantalize on the upside but rarely deliver. GDP growth never hits “escape velocity” and unemployment remains stubbornly high. With the government printing a 6.3% that’s hard to still say “stubbornly high”. Digging into the details […]   Read More
Date: May 3, 2014

No Foot in Mouth for Yellen Today

The Fed concludes their two day meeting today with the market expecting no increase in interest rates and another $10 billion tapered from their QE program. That would leave the Fed to continue purchasing treasury bonds and mortgage backed securities to the tune of $45 billion per month. After Janet Yellen’s rookie gaffe six weeks ago during the press conference, the chair is lucky that there won’t be another press conference today. Rather, the Fed will release a statement with […]   Read More
Date: April 30, 2014

Major Indices Not Singing a Good Tune

2014 may be young, but so far, it’s exhibiting a very different character than 2013 with the rate of ascent completely flat lining and the high flying leaders hit very hard. In other words, the year has been digesting as I wrote about in the 2014 Fearless Forecast. Don’t get me wrong, just because I forecast this type of action doesn’t mean it has been an easy year to make money. It hasn’t. And I don’t think that changes just […]   Read More
Date: April 25, 2014

“IF” – Something Ain’t Right

IF the employment data are improving… IF retail sales remain strong… IF the Fed is tapering because the economy is doing better… IF consumer sentiment is constructive… IF shipments at Port of LA see largest increase in 7 years… IF, IF, IF… Then why is the most economically sensitive bond’s yield falling out of bed like something dark is lurking?   Read More
Date: April 21, 2014