
Category: Paul’s Insights

***Special Fed Day Alert. No Rate Hike But Changes to Balances Sheet Announced***

Behavior Models for the Day As with every Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) statement day, there is a model for the stock market to follow pre and post announcement. Certain environments have very strong tendencies while others do not. Seven meetings ago was one of the rare times where the models strongly called for a rally on statement day which was correct as well as a decline a few days later which was also correct. Today, as with most statement […]   Read More
Date: September 20, 2017

Semis Breaking Out But Some Concern Out There

Stocks begin the new week on decent footing yet I remain of the belief that strength is a better selling opportunity than a buying one for now. While the underpinnings are not suggestive of recession, bear market nor 10%+ stock market correction, I continue to see evidence that a mid single digit pullback may be in the cards over the next 6 weeks. It’s also the single weakest of the year based on history. This one single week performs more […]   Read More
Date: September 18, 2017

Semis Strong, Shouldering the Burden. Other Sectors Stepping Up.

The stock market continues to quietly drift higher, at least on the surface. The Dow, S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 have seen new highs this week while the S&P 400 and Russell 2000 look constructive but still well below their peaks. I do expect them to play catch up and see blue skies before any meaningful downside is seen. I wrote about the banks earlier this week as being a concern. Discretionary is a bit stronger but also not firing […]   Read More
Date: September 15, 2017

Banks Warning, Hold Key to Bull Market

Since late July I have been in the camp looking for a trading range with a mild/modest pullback. I remain of that opinion today. Should stocks gather themselves and score fresh new highs this month, I think it will be a good opportunity for theĀ  nimbleĀ  to sell for a modest move lower into October. All along, I have written about a mid single digit pullback and that’s still my target. I do not believe we will see a 10%+ […]   Read More
Date: September 12, 2017

Remembering 9-11

September 11th seems to sneak up on me each year. With summer vacation, kids going back to school, Labor Day and the start of the NFL season, it feels like I wake up and realize 9-11 is either the next day or very close by. We all remember where we were and what we did on September 11th, 2001. I was sitting in my office and saw the World Trade Center on TV with the media reporting that a plane […]   Read More
Date: September 11, 2017

The Misconception About September’s Ire

Academics and the media do a pretty good job of warning the investing public of September’s historically poor performance. In fact, many investors become alarmed each year as August comes to an end and the various dire studies are paraded around. After all, since 1928, September is by far the worst month of the year with an average return of -1.1%. 39 have been up while 49 have been down. The other 11 months are basically flat or up with […]   Read More
Date: September 7, 2017

Small Caps, Semis & Junk Leading. Banks Looking Sick

Stocks ended last week on firm footing as the bounce saw four nice days. With more North Korea tensions in the air, it will be interesting to see if the stock market finally cares or just uses this as an excuse to open mildly lower. Very quietly as I have mentioned before, the Russell 2000 has been leading the major indices. That does have bullish implications if it holds on. Additionally, the semis which have been the only key sector […]   Read More
Date: September 5, 2017

Crosscurrents Abound. Enough for Bulls & Bears

Stocks continue the bounce they began two weeks ago and the same one I have been discussing. Tuesday was the day where the acceleration started. That could be slowing today. The NASDAQ 100 sits an all-time high but it’s lonely up there. The Dow and S&P 500 are within striking distance but the ever improving S&P 400 and Russell 2000 are not close. With the monthly jobs report out this morning, any strength will create a little short-term headwind for […]   Read More
Date: September 1, 2017

Q2 GDP Baby. Stocks Like It!

This morning, the government reported that the “second look” at Q2 GDP grew by 3%, higher than the original 2.6% first reported. 3% is even higher than any of my most bullish models and it continues to show that the US economy is re-accelerating higher this year.I would love to hear from all those people who challenged my bullish view of the economy or called me out Twitter. They kept telling me that 3% was a pipe dream. My theme […]   Read More
Date: August 30, 2017

Insurance Sector Around Disasters

If any sub-sector should be impacted by disasters, you would think it would be the insurance group. Similar to what I did above, let’s look at how the Dow Jones Insurance Index behaved around the events. Sandy is first and you can see that it was already pulling back when Sandy hit and continued to weaken for two more weeks before blasting off to the upside. This was basically in line with how the stock market did although a little […]   Read More
Date: August 28, 2017