
Category: Paul’s Insights

Bulls Wake Up and Attack

No sooner did the ink dry on Monday’s piece than the market quickly tossed aside my thinking for a bit more of a pullback before racing to new highs. Since December 13, four out five of the major stock market indices have been digesting post-election gains and pulling back in a very orderly fashion. Only the NASDAQ 100 has really moved meaningfully higher. After a morning of selling on Monday, the bull pushed stocks higher into the close. On Tuesday, […]   Read More
Date: January 25, 2017

“Buy the Election, Sell the Inauguration”

That’s been a popular refrain over the past week as stocks continue in stall mode, basically since December 13. In fact, the Dow and Russell 2000 are now down on the new year. Only the NASDAQ 100 which I thought would go from laggard to leader has had the power to forge ahead in 2017. However, that index is now looking a bit tired and in need of a little rest which won’t be so bad. For most of the […]   Read More
Date: January 23, 2017

Bulls & Bears Even But Opex Tilts Down

Bulls and bears come into the new week on equal footing,  both still fighting it out in the trading range. The bulls have done nothing wrong to indicate anything more than a 3-5% pullback and the bears will have a lot to prove at that point. Since early December, the small cap Russell 2000 has lagged and the bulls are getting to that point where it’s time to step up. Clearly, the unpopular NASDAQ 100 has been the leadership index. […]   Read More
Date: January 17, 2017

Bears Need to Act Quickly, But Bulls Won’t Make It Easy

After Thursday’s morning sell off the bears finally had something to latch on to. All they needed was to stave off any bull attempt to rally into the close so the bears could try and follow through on Friday morning. However, as pundits called for more weakness, stocks rallied all afternoon and into the close. Unless the bears can make some serious noise on Friday and undercut Thursday’s low, it looks like Dow 20,000 will be tested over the coming […]   Read More
Date: January 13, 2017

Top 15 Financial Resolutions for 2017

It’s amazing how powerful the turn of the calendar can be. New Year’s resolutions dominate the landscape with all of the weight loss programs and workout products at the top of the list. I’ve never been a huge “resolution” person, probably since there’s just too much I need to change and it’s a little overwhelming! But each year, I may pick one single project or thing that needs to get done and is manageable. Last year, my goal was to […]   Read More
Date: January 10, 2017

Dow 20,000 on Hold for Now

On Friday the Dow Jones Industrials failed to touch the vaunted 20,000 level, missing by less than a single point. It’s been interesting to watch the media fall over themselves, cheering, pushing and encouraging the Dow to touch 20,000. Frankly, it’s kind of embarrassing. What’s worse has been the pundits who actually believe Dow 20,000 actually means anything. It’s just a number although I guess eclipsing milestone levels does add to the euphoria. For me, it’s been a target I […]   Read More
Date: January 9, 2017

Santa Came a Callin’ But Who Cares…

The Santa Claus Rally (SCR) has officially ended with the bulls winning by almost 1/2%. That’s supposed to portend positive things for the year ahead. However, as with most Wall Street adages and assumptions, it just stand up to scrutiny when doing the research. First, let’s remember that during most long-term periods, stocks rise at least 2 out of every 3 years, so a permanent kind of tailwind to support the bulls. As I started to update the stats on […]   Read More
Date: January 6, 2017

Santa Came a Callin’ & Dow 20K Up Next

While the point totals so far have been more impressive on Tuesday, the market action on Wednesday is more constructive and healthier. We had a quieter opening without emotion. The Russell 2000 and S& P 400 are leading, which runs counter to the trend I pointed out yesterday. The NYSE Advance/Decline Line is much stronger today. Commodities are bouncing back. I was hard pressed to find any sector that behaved well on Tuesday, but the vast majority are today. I […]   Read More
Date: January 4, 2017

Bulls Rockin’ to Start 2017

It looks like the bulls are refreshed and ready to go into 2017 with the bears perhaps still nursing a hangover. Early indications show the Dow Industrials up roughly 150 points this morning which would put them within striking distance of 20,000 this week. I have seen a number of very short-term studies over the weekend which all point to higher prices today and possibly tomorrow based off the weak close to 2017 within the context of a higher December. […]   Read More
Date: January 3, 2017

Well, Well, Well Mr. Bear

Wednesday was definitely an interesting day as opening strength was immediately sold and built upon throughout the day. That behavior is not only out of character for the post-election rally, it certainly is as well for the final few days with prices so extended. Market internals were pretty much as expected for a day like that and the Dow held up much better than the other major indices. Except for gold, sector weakness was across the board. Treasuries got a […]   Read More
Date: December 28, 2016