

Bulls Continue to Do Nothing Wrong, Yet

Stocks continue to do nothing wrong as they bounce sharply from the epic selling wave in December. On Tuesday most of the major stock market indices made new recovery highs. Leadership has been constructive, meaning the more aggressive sectors have been leading. Risk on, if you will. However, stocks have also rallied right into the zone I first mentioned on December 21 as the most logical area where the bears could put up a fight. From here we will see […]   Read More
Date: January 16, 2019

Equilibrium or End of Rally?

Almost on cue, stocks began to either stall out or moderate as they entered the lower end of the zone I first offered on December 21. That is a logical place for some to takes chips off the table if a revisiting of the Christmas lows is going to happen sooner than later. So far, stocks have done nothing wrong, especially with high yield bonds and bank loans snapping back so strongly in 2019, but I am not going to […]   Read More
Date: January 14, 2019

Stocks into Zone Where Rally May Stall or End

It’s been one heckuva start to 2019. Just listen to the media and pundits tell you how stocks have rocketed  7, 10, even 12% since Christmas. While that is true, it’s a bit misleading as they forget the carnage from Q4. As I wrote about here and here late last year, there was certainly a preponderance of evidence to suggest a bottom and vicious bounce. That has come to fruition and I am glad the market is cooperating with the […]   Read More
Date: January 11, 2019

Manic Market

It really is amazing how stocks go from never being able to rally to never being able to decline. After the stock market hammered out the bottom on December 26, the reaction by bulls has been easy to predict. I only wish I did a better job leading up to that low in December. Live and learn which I always do. At this point, we have seen epic buying since December 26 with all kinds of very positive indicators triggering […]   Read More
Date: January 10, 2019

My Oh My. That was Quick

In my last blog post, Apple had pre-announced less than expected earnings news and stocks were looking sharply lower on Thursday morning. Besides commenting that it was probably a day to just sit back and watch, I also offered that historically, news like this from Apple usually comes near stock market lows.Thursday had an unusually dour feel to it. It seemed like the parade of pundits were all talking about an immediate retest of the Christmas week lows and that […]   Read More
Date: January 7, 2019

Santa Claus Came a Callin’

The media spent the period from just after Thanksgiving to mid-December parading out pundits to talk about the Santa Claus Rally (SCR). Most of those pundits said the SCR was failing and it meant trouble for the stock market in 2019. I wrote several times that the traditional SCR, pioneered by Yale Hirsch of the Stock trader’s Almanac, was simply the last five trading days of the year and the first two days of the new year. An up SCR […]   Read More
Date: January 4, 2019

Bulls Fighting to Begin the Year But Apple, Apple, Apple

After opening down 400 points on the first trading day of 2019, the  bulls fought back really hard to erase 100% of that loss by the close and eke out a small gain. That was very impressive. Leadership came from the most beaten down sectors from 2018, energy and financials. That’s not surprising. So many investors sold those names during Q4 for tax loss reasons as well as window dressing to make their portfolio holdings look better than they actually […]   Read More
Date: January 3, 2019

Big Gains to Close the Year But the Bulls Remain on Their Heels

Welcome to 2019! I hope you had an enjoyable and safe New Year’s. We had an absolutely wild and crazy one. It was one for the ages! I think my wife and I were fast asleep by 11pm although I am told that the kids were up until 1am. It’s good to be young. We were in Vermont and had some folks over for a very low key evening as yet another non snow producing winter storm came through as […]   Read More
Date: January 1, 2019

Bulls and Santa Claus Making a Stand. One Indicator for the All Clear

December has already set all kinds of precedents going back to the 1800s, including depth of decline, speed of decline, length of decline and intensity of decline. Remember, stocks just don’t decline all that often in December, ESPECIALLY during a mid-term election year where Q4 and December has almost always been like shooting fish in a barrel. I had to go all the way back to 1931 to find anything remotely similar, but let’s face it, price analogs that old […]   Read More
Date: December 30, 2018

Extreme Selling Leads to Rare & Immediate Reaction

After already discussing the legendary selling wave stocks experienced this month through December 24th, one of the sub models within our big stock market model triggered a scenario based on historic levels of overdone selling that has only been seen a handful of times since 1980. Each and every time, stocks saw significant gains almost immediately, even when in the context of a bear market. You can see all of these on the charts below with the arrows pointing to […]   Read More
Date: December 25, 2018

The REAL Santa Claus Rally

All month I have heard the pundits say that the Santa Claus Rally has failed or that Santa failed to call so bears will come to Broad and Wall, popularized by Yale Hirsch of Stocks Trader’s Almanac fame. What incenses me is that those people just blurted and babbled nonsense. The Santa Claus Rally (SCR) doesn’t begin until the last five days of the year and continues for the first two days of the next year. In other words, it […]   Read More
Date: December 24, 2018

From Lower Levels, a Bottom Coming

After last week, I am running out of adjectives to describe the stock market decline since December 3. Relentless seemed like the best word a week ago, but now it’s almost an understatement. Although I thought I had written my last long update before the Fed meeting, I had also thought that stocks would at least see a temporary low. I was wrong on both counts and am working on another update now. Almost every day last week looked similar. […]   Read More
Date: December 23, 2018

Relentless Selling Wave Continues

It seems like every time I sit down to start a new post over the past few weeks, I am looking at the same data, indicators and price behavior. Stocks closed the day before lower and look like they have a chance to bounce but end up closing lower yet again. I thought when I started writing about relentless selling, it would end sooner than later. And here we are again; stocks fell hard on Thursday with the glimmer of […]   Read More
Date: December 21, 2018

The Absolute Arrogance, Ignorance & Incompetence of the Fed

Here we go. Cue the media’s hype. “The single most important Fed meeting, perhaps of All-TIME!” Oh brother. Model for the Day Let’s start with the model for the day. As with every Fed statement day, 90% of the time stocks stay in a plus or minus .50% range until 2pm before the fireworks take place. With pre-market action indicating a much higher open, the opportunity is there for a momentum trade to the upside from the open until 2pm […]   Read More
Date: December 19, 2018

Ugliness for the Bulls Rolls On. May Need More Panic

Most of the past few weeks when I sat down to start a new post I thought, “well, yesterday wasn’t very nice for the bulls”. Today, as I sit on the train to New York, I am thinking that Friday and Monday were downright ugly for the bulls. The bad Friday, bad Monday combination, regardless of whether this remains a bull market or not is something typically seen near lows which is where I think the market is. Similar to […]   Read More
Date: December 18, 2018

Is It a Bear Market???

In rare fashion, the bears are certainly in charge this quarter, but especially this month. Historically, it’s very difficult to see stocks under constant pressure during Q4, let alone December. The usual catalysts for decline are typically seasonally absent. While that doesn’t mean that stocks can’t decline this late in the year, a decline of the magnitude we are currently experiencing is very rare. 2002 saw a 6% decline in December and 1968 and 1957 had 4% declines, but that’s […]   Read More
Date: December 17, 2018

Bulls Just Can’t Get Going

Something is clearly wrong with the bulls this month. With two reversal days out of three ending this past Monday, stocks should have been a lot higher than they are right now. Every single rally is being met with selling and that is a giant change in character. I have pounded and pounded the table that the bull market remains intact. And while there is still enough evidence to suggest that, I have to be open to the idea that […]   Read More
Date: December 14, 2018

Looking Under the Hood of a Midday Waterfall Decline

This is going to be a little different kind of article that focuses on the minute to minute moves in the stock market. People often ask what happened or why something happened in the middle of the day which seemed rather large and out of the blue. Last week’s 800 point down Tuesday had two very obvious things occur so I am going to share.  Below is a chart that I found very interesting. Each little red or green bar represents […]   Read More
Date: December 14, 2018

Unusual Volatility

December and Q4 continue my longstanding theme of increased volatility. It’s definitely unusual for stocks to be this volatile this late in the year and without doing my homework, 2008 and 2000 come to mind. Of course, this looks nothing like 2008, but 2000 does have vaguely similar comparisons. Stocks are certainly pricing in a much more negative outcome than we have seen in a while. As I have said before, I definitely did not see the magnitude of the […]   Read More
Date: December 13, 2018

Higher Rates Are to Blame. Lower Rates Are to Blame

Everywhere I turn, there seems to be another reason for this correction. Slowing in Europe, China falling off a cliff, tariffs, soaring long-term interest rates, yield curve inversion, deceleration in the U.S. economy. I have heard it all. The problem is that none of these reasons can easily be tied to the decline directly, nor should they be. And every once in a while, declines occur and the reasons are not apparent until well after the fact. Let’s look at […]   Read More
Date: December 12, 2018