

Lines in the Sand – Semis Strong

After opening down more than 1% on Thursday, the bulls stepped up as the perceived “value” was too much to ignore after a few straight down days for stocks. We now have two very nice and tidy, short-term lines in the sand. They are bound by this week’s low and high. It’s that simple. Closing above or below those prices should induce more movement in that direction. For now, the bulls are supposed to run prices to the upper blue […]   Read More
Date: October 16, 2020

Broad Participation in the Rally

I want to thank those of you who attended our webinar on Monday night where I reviewed Q3 performance and events as well as offered a sneak peak into Q4 and the election. I am in the process of scheduling a webinar based solely on the election and its market impact. The bulls finally took a breather on Tuesday after a solid run, even in the face of seasonal tailwinds. I still do not get the feeling they are done […]   Read More
Date: October 14, 2020

Bulls Continue to Press Higher

The bulls continued their winning ways to end the week on Friday although it wasn’t as lopsided as the previous two days. There are some conflicting seasonal trends this week with Columbus Day and October expiration having tailwinds with the second five day period of October being a headwind. After seeing underperformance since the early September peak, mega cap tech is trying to regain leadership and that could be a story right into the next stock market. It will be […]   Read More
Date: October 12, 2020

Bulls Running Hot

As you know my thesis has been for one more decline into mid to late October below the recent lows and then a rally into 2021. That was my number one scenario. My second scenario had the mid-September low being the bottom and the market remaining uber strong. Until this week, I felt confident in my view. Now, I have to be open that my less likely scenario may come to fruition. Why? The rally this week has been powerful […]   Read More
Date: October 9, 2020

Lots Going on Beneath the Surface

I guess no one can be surprised that an unexpected tweet from President Trump threw the market for a loop. Certainly, that wasn’t in my forecast nor list of reasons why stocks would fall one more time. For the most part, emotional reversals like Tuesday have been immediately reversed since the bull market began in March. Only a close below Tuesday’s lowest levels would confirm that the decline is in full gear to the bottom I see forming later this […]   Read More
Date: October 7, 2020

Important Retirement Ages

Your retirement benefits are a critical component that determine your quality of life in your Golden Years. You’ve got important decisions to make before and after your retirement date that directly impact your benefits from Social Security and your retirement accounts. Overlooking a few important dates lead to some of the biggest retirement planning mistakes we see made – mistakes that could have easily been avoided. So, open up your calendars and mark down the 8 key dates we highlight […]   Read More

Bulls Start the Week in Control

The new week starts with the President seemingly on the mend, but we don’t really know. With all the calls for full transparency with his health, let’s remember that the public was completely kept in the dark when Reagan was shot. No one knew until months later that he almost died on the table. I didn’t spend the time to review Kennedy’s assassination nor Ike’s heart attack. I recall when Bush fainted in Japan and that was quickly dismissed as […]   Read More
Date: October 5, 2020

Trump Contracts Corona – Do Markets Care?

As everyone now knows, President & Mrs. Trump have the Coronavirus. Health scares from the West Wing have not been commonplace and markets typically do not like the uncertainty. We have had them with Bush and Reagan and Ike and more. Market reaction depends on the condition of the markets before the scare occurred. As you know, I have been on the negative side for some and I continue that way today. I have been very firm that I am […]   Read More
Date: October 2, 2020

Election Year Octobers – Don’t Believe What You Hear

October begins today with its reputation of major stock market crashes. 1929, 1987, 1989, 1997 and 2008 come to mind. Truth be told, however, October is really a bear killer more than anything else with some major bottoms forming during the month. 1989, 1990, 1997, 1998, 2002 and 2011. Usually, when stocks are under pressure and declining into October, the month acts as an accelerant to a bottom. When stocks are in an uptrend, the first week of the month […]   Read More
Date: October 1, 2020

Stocks Bounce Right on Schedule – Imagine That!

Last week on Wednesday and Friday, I changed my tune and starting looking for a rally after a full correction had taken place in the major stock market indices. I also wrote about the NASDAQ 100 retaking its leadership position. The bulls definitely reasserted themselves on Friday and Monday with back to back strong rallies. 85% of trading volume on Monday was in stocks that went up, a powerful sign of more to come over the intermediate-term. However, the 85% […]   Read More
Date: September 29, 2020

How to Test Drive Your Retirement: Addressing Retirees’ 3 Biggest Fears

Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty type of person? Whichever camp you belong to, it’s realistic to have concerns about your retirement life. The changes that retirement brings deserve serious thought, and more importantly, action. It’s even better if you can test drive your retirement to see if the plans you put forth really work for you. The team at Heritage Capital has been helping people retire with confidence for more than 30 years. In that time, we’ve identified the […]   Read More

Looking for a Bounce Now

It’s been a relatively volatile week in the markets, but nothing compared to Q1 and April. Here is what we know today as the final day of the week begins. The NASDAQ 100 which led the way down forged its lowest price on September 21. The other four major stock market indices saw their lows on September 24. That’s the first clue that something may be changing, at least in the very, very short-term which is how trends begin. I […]   Read More
Date: September 25, 2020

Market Finds Temp Low on Schedule But More Downside Ahead

The major stock market indices found their initial low in the expected zone of Monday/Tuesday. That’s the good news. A bounce began and it is supposed to last more than just a day and a half. However, if the indices roll over now, Monday’s low will be breached very quickly and we could see some sharp downside follow through. This remains the weakest week on the calendar. Monday’s action saw the NASDAQ 100 close up on the day, but the […]   Read More
Date: September 23, 2020

Sell Rosh Hashanah Buy Yom Kippur – Bears in Charge

There has been a trend in place for many, many decades that says to sell heading into the Jewish High Holy Days and buy coming out of them. Friday was the day to sell and next Monday’s close is the day buy. The theory says that Jewish investors would sell their material possessions during the most sacred period of their year to reflect on the year that was and atone for their sins as the period ends on Yom Kippur. […]   Read More
Date: September 21, 2020

Market Bottom Still Ahead

This is just a quick update as the market is about to open. My thoughts remain the same and clear. The bottom is not in just yet. I remain concerned in the short-term. At a minimum I want to see the recent lows breached. If one index bucks the trend, that’s the index I will focus on for the next rally. Since mid-July I have written about the frothiness, the giddyness and the greed in the Fab Five Plus NASDAQ […]   Read More
Date: September 18, 2020

Fed Day – Will Bears Join the Party?

Today is yet another conclusion of the Fed’s two-day meeting where nothing major is being anticipated. Sure, it’s the first meeting since Jackson Hole where Powell offered a change to the Fed’s 2% ceiling on inflation, but I only expect additional details that do not move the markets nor the economy. The Fed has done a lot, extraordinary measures. And they created the longest runway in history before rates will be hiked again. But remember, meteorologists have better track records […]   Read More
Date: September 16, 2020

Bulls Come Back Hungry While A Popular Analog Fails

I received a number of emails and calls that my tone has become negative, too negative by some estimations. That’s fine. I am usually accused of being too positive or permanently bullish. I just call them like I see them and try not to stay wrong for too long. While the bears won last week’s battle, the bulls look like they want to bounce back hard as the new week begins. Certainly, the bulls are due for at least a […]   Read More
Date: September 14, 2020

How to Retire Without Your Spouse: Investment Strategies for the Divorced or Widowed

Divorce has become increasingly common in the United States over the past few decades, and roughly 25 percent of people 65 or older are widowed. Despite this, however, approximately two-thirds of married couples don’t have a financial plan set up in the case of divorce or widowhood. What happens if you do become divorced or widowed either when retirement is imminent or once you’re retired? Are there investment strategies that can help in either scenario? In our more than 30 […]   Read More

Remembering 9-11 – NEVER FORGET

September 11th seems to sneak up on me each year. This year was worse as the country is still dealing with the Corona pandemic and the overall heightened state of affairs. With kids going back to school, Labor Day and the start of the NFL season, it feels like I wake up and realize 9-11 is either the next day or very close by. I wasn’t around when Pearl Harbor was bombed but I know everyone from that generation remembers […]   Read More
Date: September 11, 2020

Bottom Still Ahead of Us

Wednesday definitely saw the anticipated snapback I mentioned the other day, however, the bulls limped into the close. I did not want to see that. Stocks remain in a fragile state and that is unlikely to end here. I still believe the major indices will see lower prices than they saw so far this week. In other words, the bottom should not be in just yet. When do I think stocks WILL find the low? I wish I had strong […]   Read More
Date: September 10, 2020