

FOX Business TODAY at 1:30pm

I am scheduled to be on FOX Business’ Markets Now at 1:30pm today discussing the historically low volatility in the markets as well as the roadmap to the election. If you looked for me on CNBC last Friday, Labor Day traffic was off the charts, deeming it impossible to get to the station on time.  This week, I will be posting the two Yahoo Finance segments I did last week along with a new Street$marts issue. Several cracks in the pavement […]   Read More
Date: September 4, 2012

Apple in the Spotlight… Again

It’s been a while since I mentioned Apple, but the action of late deserves comment.  After peaking in April with the broad market, the stock declined into May with the broad market.  But when stocks declined further into early June, Apple did not follow suit by making a new low.  Rather, it formed a higher low than it saw in May and that was the first clue that it was ready to rally again. This week, Apple made an all […]   Read More
Date: September 4, 2012

Friday is Finally Here

It seems like the markets, investors and media have been waiting forever for Ben Bernanke to give his annual speech from the Fed’s retreat in Jackson Hole WY. Lots of initial expectations have faded into much ado about nothing.  I like that the stock market is showing weakness into the speech.  That leaves ammunition for a potential move higher next week.  Today’s decline was very orderly and began to restore a little worry in the markets.  We don’t need all […]   Read More
Date: September 4, 2012

Like Watching Paint Dry

Unlike the summers of 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 and 2006, the summer of 2012 has been very, very quiet.  Volatility is at an historically low level.  Volatility contraction leads to expansion and vice-versa.  At some point, we are going to see a spike in volatility and that will shock the system.  Later this week, Ben Bernanke will make his annual speech from the Fed’s retreat in Jackson Hole WY on Friday at 10:00am.  While everyone will be on the […]   Read More
Date: September 4, 2012

The Bulls Powering to New 2012 Highs

New Street$marts is out chock full of tidbits with Paul Ryan, the Fed, ECB and stocks on their way to new 2012 highs!$marts20120816.pdf   Read More
Date: August 20, 2012

Bulls Giving it the College Try

Following up from the Street$marts issue I published today (link to follow here on Friday), the bulls are stepping up here on the Dow, S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100, closing the day within striking distance of new highs for 2012.  I expect that to occur over the coming days.  Once that is achieved, I do not anticipate a blow off to the upside.  Rather, I think the stock market will be within a few percent of peaking.  Flies in the ointment […]   Read More
Date: August 16, 2012

All Eyes and Ears on the Global Central Banks

Here is the link from Friday’s segment:  Nothing has changed regarding the outlook for stocks.  I think we are in a generally benign period for equities that has been following the typical presidential election year pattern of a Q1 rally, a springtime low and summer rally to a peak.  If that continues to hold true, we should see another good bottom in September or October and then rally into year-end.  I am sure the market will throw some doubt […]   Read More
Date: August 13, 2012

CNBC’s Closing Bell TODAY at 3:00pm est (and some Fed news)

I am going to be on CNBC’s Closing Bell with Tyler and Maria at 3pm est today. The discussion will likely focus on the very anemic and sub par economic recovery, but certainly not unexpected.  As I have written about many times before, this is your typical post financial crisis recovery.  It’s frustrating and uneven with little major progress.  But this too will come to an end. Earlier this week, we heard from two non voting members of the FOMC […]   Read More
Date: August 10, 2012

A Face for Radio

Here is the link from my FOX Business segment on Monday.  You will notice that I was on the phone rather than in front of the camera.  I guess they finally realized that I had a better face for radio!   Read More

FOX Business & Employment Report Update

I am going to be on FOX Business’ Markets Now close to 1pm est on Monday, hopefully discussing some of the items below. After a string of weak but positive employment reports, Friday’s data were “better than expected”, but still not strong enough to keep pace with population growth.  And when you dive into the details of the report, according to John Williams of Shadow Stats, you see the normal “seasonal adjustments” accounted for a significant number of jobs created.  What […]   Read More

Nothing New from the ECB

After Ben Bernanke gave the market little to cheer for on Wednesday, his European counterpart, Mario Draghi, and the ECB left interest rates alone and disappointed investors who were hoping for a follow up from his bold statement last week.  Draghi did indicate that massive bond purchases would resume again, but that was more than expected.  Draghi better deliver quickly or his credibility will certainly suffer.  Could he have put his foot in his mouth without speaking with the Germans […]   Read More

Keeping an Eye on Those Canaries

The latest Street$marts is out.$marts20120801.pdf   Read More

Fed Disappoints

Bernanke & Co. gave the market little in the way of new stimulus today, but I think that’s just temporary. Like a crack addict, the markets just want more and more and more, no matter what the consequences. QEIII should be coming and all eyes will be on Jackson Hole Wyoming later this month for the Fed’s annual retreat angd speech. The data are not strong, but they are certainly not falling off of a cliff.  It’s just your typical […]   Read More
Date: August 6, 2012

Break Up the Banks!

This morning on CNBC’s Squawk Box, Sandy Weill made a truly shocking remark.  If you don’t know Sandy, he built Citi into the financial conglomerate it is today, putting together my old employer Shearson Lehman, Smith Barney, Primerica, Travelers and many, many more financial companies.  Sandy was supposed to be the heir apparent at AMEX when Shearson was called Shearson/American Express, but massive egos got in the way in the roaring 1980s. One of the many causes of the 2007 […]   Read More
Date: July 25, 2012

Market Getting Tired

Here is Monday’s segment we did on CNBC which remains our position today. Stocks have been on a nice little run this week with a dearth of news out of Europe and generally better than expected earnings from bellwether companies.  Keep in mind that the earnings “beats” are after Wall Street cut estimates over the past month and the general sentiment regarding earnings had become so negative that it should not be a surprise to see them bettered.  This […]   Read More

Are Stocks Dead Money?

Here is the latest Street$marts:$marts20120712.pdf  Besides offering an essentially sideways forecast, which has been our thesis for a month, we also throw in another unusual economic indicator along with an interesting story from someone on the younger side!   Read More
Date: July 17, 2012

CNBC’s Closing Bell TODAY at 3pm est

I am going to be on CNBC’s Closing Bell with Bill and Maria at 3:00pm est today discussing the market’s path over the rest of the summer and how “quiet” it has become as earnings season really cranks up this week.  Almost every article, tv segment and conversation about earnings has been so negative that it seems like much has been priced into the stock market.  Could a small upside surprise lie ahead?  This lack of significant volatility is typical […]   Read More
Date: July 16, 2012

Quietly Strong Selling Wave

Stocks have quietly seen a fairly strong selling wave over the past eight days.  Coincidentally (or not), that has been ever since the European Union announced their latest rescue attempt from European Stability Mechanism.  After that one huge rally day, stocks have not behaved well and after today (Thursday), they have given back the entire rally. From my seat, the stock market is at an interesting juncture here.  I wouldn’t say “critical”, but the bulls need to step up here […]   Read More
Date: July 12, 2012

Markets Pricing in Weak Earnings

Earlier this week, I did an interview with Fox Business about the possible increase in taxes when the Bush/Obama tax cuts expire in December.  Later in the segment, we discussed earnings season, which began this week with Alcoa, and how just one quarter off record earnings, investors are becoming so pessimistic. While it certainly feels like a negative year in the markets, the major indices remain in the black for 2012.  In fact, the year is very closely following the typical […]   Read More
Date: July 11, 2012

Stocks Slide on Tepid Jobs Growth Number

On Friday’s CNBC segment, I spoke about the range bound market with the potential for a fall swoon before the election.  But in any market, there are always opportunities and this time is no different. So far this week, stocks have not behaved well, but it’s far from a rout and the trading range continues. On Wednesday, we get a peak at the minutes from the Fed meeting and folks will take any scrap of comments that leads to […]   Read More
Date: July 11, 2012