

Apple Turning Around

This morning, you likely received an email with Apple in the subject line and no content. I apologize for that! I was in a Philadelphia hotel room on the way out and I thought I hit “paste” and send. Obviously, my fat little fingers missed a step. When I received it on my phone, my first reaction was, NO! It reminded me of those unscrupulous Dotcom bubble stock touts who would send emails with either the company’s name or stock […]   Read More
Date: December 24, 2012

Will the Country Even Function on January 1?

The latest Street$marts has been posted!$marts20121221.pdf     Read More
Date: December 24, 2012

Santa Claus Rally

If Santa Claus should fail to call, bears may come to Broad and Wall. That’s an old stock market adage indicating that if we do not see the traditional Santa Claus rally over the final five trading days of the year, the potential for a bear market or major decline increases in the New Year. The final five days clocks at the close on the 21st, coinciding with the end of the world according to the Mayans. There is also […]   Read More
Date: December 19, 2012

The Single Most Overhyped Event Since Y2K

Here is the latest Street$marts that talks about Black Friday, Facebook, Apple, the “dreaded” Fiscal Cliff, how the bull market ends and some evidence of a weakening economy.$marts20121211.pdf   Read More
Date: December 14, 2012

More Fed Stimulus Lifts Gold But Hits Dollar

Posted December 13, 2012 By Trang Ho, Investor’s Business Daily  Posted 12/12/2012 06:41 PM ET  Stocks, gold and silver jumped while U.S. Treasuries and the dollar sold off Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said it’s expanding its economic stimulus program, known as QE3. The Fed will buy $45 billion a month in long-term Treasuries, to offset the expiration of “Operation Twist.” The Fed will also continue buying $45 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities. The Fed said its stimulus programs […]   Read More
Date: December 14, 2012

CNBC’s Squawk Box Wednesday @ 6:20am

I am going to be on CNBC’s Squawk Box on Wednesday (11/21) at 6:20am discussing the Fiscal Cliff, our forecast to year-end and the potential for recession. After that, I hope to have a Street$marts to you by the end of the day. Just in case I don’t, I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! Paul   Read More
Date: November 20, 2012

Bulls Turn Tide

After Friday’s reversal from early losses on the “news” regarding the Fiscal Cliff, the bulls put on an ole fashioned stampede today with more than 90% of the volume on the upside and almost 90% of all stocks closing higher. The market opened up and ran that way straight to the close, turning the short-term trend in favor of the bulls. For the time being, the bulls have the ball and given the Thanksgiving holiday, they are supposed to keep […]   Read More
Date: November 20, 2012

Bulls Draw Line in the Sand

It certainly took a while, but the bulls finally drew a line in the sand and defended their turf after a 9% pullback from the September peak. The day started out like many others during the decline with weakness to new lows. But after the “geniuses” in congress held a press conference and all agreed to compromise (Gee, what a word!), stocks lifted and ran higher into the close as monthly options expiration and short covering ahead of the weekend […]   Read More
Date: November 19, 2012

Obama Victory, Market Sell Off

Congratulations to President Barack Obama and all of the politicians who were elected by the American people last night. In the end, although my candidate did not win, Democracy was and is always the big winner. As you know, I hardly ever use the word “hope” when discussing investing, but in this case, I do hope we somehow see congress and the president at least genuinely attempt to work together on a bipartisan basis. I don’t know a single person who […]   Read More
Date: November 7, 2012

FOX Business at 1pm on Wednesday

I am scheduled to be on Fox Business’ Markets Now at 1pm on Wednesday discussing the election results and its affect on the markets.   Read More
Date: November 7, 2012

***Special Election Update***$marts20121106.pdf     Read More
Date: November 7, 2012

Market Says Obama But…

Here is the latest Street$marts.$marts20121102.pdf     Read More
Date: November 4, 2012

Back in Business

The financial markets in the US reopened today and the day appears to have gone on without a hitch. With month end and mutual fund end of fiscal year, it would have been chaotic had they not. Luckily, the NYSE and NASDAQ have had an awful lot of time to prepare for a natural disaster; but are you ever REALLY prepared?!?!  Kudos go out to their management teams on getting the system up and running while still dealing with the devastation […]   Read More
Date: October 31, 2012

Hurricane Update Part II

First and foremost, I hope those of you in harm’s way made it through the storm okay and your lives are beginning to get back to some sense of normalcy. The New York Stock Exchange is scheduled to open at its normal time, 9:30am edt on Wednesday. That’s beyond incredible given the state of devastation in Manhattan, but especially lower Manhattan. I expect the commodities and bond markets to open as usual as well. But I think we all know […]   Read More
Date: October 31, 2012

Hurricane Update

As you may already know, the financial markets are closed today and are expected to remain closed through Tuesday. The office is officially closed, but I will be shuttling between the office and home as power allows. The best mode to communicate is via email. We have several internet providers and while we expect to have at least one always functional, it can never be guaranteed. If the storm is worse than expected locally we will operate from a satellite location […]   Read More
Date: October 31, 2012

Are the Bulls Ready to Resume Control?

After Friday’s carnage, the bulls fought off early weakness and pushed stocks to close at their highs around the flat level. Is the decline over? Anything is possible, but I continue to see more downside ahead with all major indices breaking their recent lows. A pre-election low remains in the cards and that would really catch folks off guard!   Read More
Date: October 23, 2012

25 Years Ago…

I remember calling my parents from college when I heard the stock market had crashed 22.6% in a single day. My father had literally just opened another brokerage firm and even I knew this wouldn’t be good. I remember him telling me that it was the BEST time to open a new firm since they hadn’t brought clients over and built their book up yet.  So not many folks were unhappy! I remember a buddy of mine who traded for a […]   Read More
Date: October 23, 2012

Separating the Election Nonsense from Reality

Here is the latest Street$marts:$marts20121015.pdf   Read More
Date: October 17, 2012

New Highs Now or More Weakness First?

In the last Street$marts, I opined that the stock market should see at least another new 2012 high this year, but that we were long overdue for a pullback and a 2-8% decline should begin shortly. So far, all we have seen has been a 3% decline and many folks wonder if new highs are next.  I think the healthiest thing would be for stocks to decline below the levels we saw last week and then mount an assault higher.  That […]   Read More
Date: October 17, 2012

I Guess Yelling is OK

It’s not often that I am part of an interview where guests yell and I do to! Here is the video from the CNBC segment the other day on the Fed’s QE Unlimited. The next Street$marts will be out shortly with a long article on the Fed, ECB and BoJ’s money printing experiments.   Read More
Date: October 3, 2012