
Tag: junk bond rally

Stock Market Reaction to Impeachment

Here we go. I remember writing about impeachment in 1998 and hoped and prayed the country wouldn’t have to experience this kind of political circus again. It took 21 years, but the circus is back in D.C. Thankfully, since we only have two prior, modern day instances of impeachment, stock market results are certainly not statistically significant. Given that, however, let’s take a look at the environments surrounding each of the prior two along with where we are today. First, […]   Read More
Date: September 27, 2019

Void of Relevant Data Makes Market Vulnerable to Headlines

With the Fed meeting behind us and earning season still a few weeks away, the markets are now acutely focused on geopolitical news. In other words, the markets are very susceptible to the latest headline or tweet. From my seat, stocks remain in a little range which I mentioned on Monday and you can see below on the right side of the chart bound by the purple line and blue line. While stocks could pop a little in very short-term, […]   Read More
Date: September 25, 2019

Weak Week Clouds Short-Term Picture

Welcome to the single weakest week of the year, at least that’s what history suggests over the past 30 years or so. The five days after September options expiration have not been kind to the stock market overall. I should have done a little more digging to see how stocks behaved when they were already in uptrends heading into this week. Usually, September is much weaker when it begins with weakness, as I wrote about in The Myth of September’s […]   Read More
Date: September 23, 2019

THE Weakest Seasonality of the Year is Here

Stocks are looking a little tired. That’s my take today. The bulls have tried twice to score new highs, but the bears have put up a little resistance over the past two weeks. While I do not believe the market is on the verge of a bear market or even a 10% decline, risk/reward is no longer tilted strongly towards the bulls. And that’s okay. FYI, next week is the weakest week of the year on an historical basis for […]   Read More
Date: September 20, 2019

Stocks Were Looking for an Excuse to Pull Back

While stocks had another nice run last week, they didn’t exactly close Friday with much strength. That’s not surprising given how most of the major stock market indices were pushing up against all-time highs. So many times, we will a see security come back up and say hello to a previous important peak, only to watch it pause or mildly pullback first. The weekend news about Iran or Yemen conducting drone attacks on Saudi refining facilities was just what the […]   Read More
Date: September 16, 2019

Bears Continue to Laugh & Scoff and Be Embarrassingly Wrong

When listening to the pundits and reading my Twitter feed over the past month or so, it has been fairly negative which it has basically been for the majority of the bull market with few key exceptions like January 2018. Whenever I prepare for a media segment, I usually start by saying that no one has been more bullish than I have on balance for the entire bull market. Most of my quantitative, upside price targets for the Dow were […]   Read More
Date: September 13, 2019

Bears Getting Impaled

The bulls have been relentless of late, which should certainly not surprise anyone who reads this blog. I have been emphatically bullish, especially on semis and defensives, and looking for Dow 28,000. I can’t find many or really any others who have been as uniquely bullish as I have been. I don’t count anyone who believes that you should always be positive on the stock market because it will reward you over the very long-term. That’s a cop out. But […]   Read More
Date: September 12, 2019

The Myth of September’s Gloom

As the calendar turned to September, the media was in their usual tizzy because historically, the month has the worst performance of any during the year. The problem with making very general statements is that context is ignored. It wasn’t long ago when all the headlines were about how strong the month of December was and everyone was all bulled up because stocks had corrected 10% in October and November. Then stocks collapsed in December like hadn’t been seen since […]   Read More
Date: September 9, 2019

Bulls Look to Maul Bears as Semis Remain Strong

At the end of last week I wrote about the bulls’ inability to sustain a breakout above the recent range as prices briefly popped above the highs but reversed to close lower. Given my continued bullish outlook, I wasn’t worried and I am still not concerned. This morning, pre-market indications look for the bulls to attempt a full-fledged assault higher and break through the month long trading range as you can see below using the S&P 500 futures. For more […]   Read More
Date: September 5, 2019

Bulls Poke Above Range Without Follow Through

The final day of the week and the month and I think all those investors supposedly in The Hamptons can get back to lounging on the beach or partaking in the nightlife. Not I. It’s been a month full of physical therapy, acupuncture and lots of walking and throwing with the kids when I wasn’t in the office. And to the disappointment of many, the bull market didn’t end in August and the economy didn’t recess. The trading range continued […]   Read More
Date: August 30, 2019