

Financial Planning for Women: Q&A

Several studies have shown that women are better investors than men, in that they earn higher returns, are less prone to volatile trading and pay less in commissions. You can agree or disagree, but that’s what the data shows. Some men have a difficult time accepting this. Yet, women face several gender-specific financial challenges throughout their lives, including unequal pay, taking time out for family reasons, higher costs for medical care, and a longer life expectancy than that for men. […]   Read More
Date: July 12, 2021

Lots of Negatives Today – ONE Day Off ATHs

The stock market is looking lower in pre-market as comments about the Fed beginning to taper their $120 billion a month bond purchases as well as added regulations in China are worrying people. First of all, it’s clinically insane that the Fed is still buying $40 billion of mortgage backed bonds each month when the housing market is white hot all over the country. Why on earth does it need support? When I woke up this morning I heard one […]   Read More
Date: July 8, 2021

Stats Say It’s Still Onward & Upward for the Bulls

I hope you had a safe and enjoyable Independence Day long weekend! While Mother Nature certainly did not cooperate in New England, it is still always great to celebrate America’s birthday and all she has stood for. Lots of interesting stats to post so let’s jump right in. The other day I wrote about the euphoric IPO market and some things investors should consider before jumping in. Today, I want to discuss a bunch of really cool stats about July […]   Read More
Date: July 6, 2021

IPO Market Says Investors Are Greedy – Don’t Follow The Herd

June, Q2 and the first half of 2021 are in the books. Boy, as slow as 2020 went, 2021 is racing along. And this is with the markets really cooperating. I wish everything would slow down. I have so much to cover, but not enough time today so I am just going to offer some timely comments about the new offering market. FYI, I did a fun and educational interview on TD Ameritrade Network yesterday on this very topic along […]   Read More
Date: July 2, 2021

Finishing Up June, Q2 and 1H

It’s the last day of the month, quarter and first half of the year. Certainly, do not be surprised to see some portfolio games being played although the markets have been super quiet this month. A week ago I wrote about the strong trend for small caps to outperform large caps through today. As you can see below which is a line of the S&P 500 divided by the Russell 2000, that trend has not played out this year. It […]   Read More
Date: June 30, 2021

New Week

The stock market begins the last week of June with the bulls mildly in control. Don’t forget we have end of month and quarter this week along with many people beginning vacations. I won’t be among them although I do wish them a safe and enjoyable vacation. It has been a fun Q2 and great start to 2021 as the halfway mark approaches. As I have written for a while, I do not sense that the stock market is about […]   Read More
Date: June 28, 2021

One Week Later & The Bulls Did Their Job

It has been a good week for the bulls! After four straight days of red ending last week, the bulls stepped up exactly when they should have. While I would have preferred a weaker opening on Monday the market doesn’t always cooperate perfectly. But this time, it was fairly easy to forecast higher prices, especially when Jim Cramer was imploring and begging people not to buy for another week, meaning today, after a big up week. Today, I am a […]   Read More
Date: June 25, 2021

Bounce Came Right on Schedule – Now What?

The four straight days of decline where Jim Cramer implored people not to buy on day four have quietly passed. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying the stock market can’t pull back here, but after four straight days of weakness in a bull market, the odds heavily favor at least a bounce. We got that bounce. That’s why Cramer is paid to be a commentator and entertainer and not a money manager. It’s not a knock. It’s just […]   Read More
Date: June 23, 2021

7 Social Security Strategies Following the Pandemic

The past year has been one of unprecedented upheaval, but now, as we transition to a new normal, it’s time to take a fresh look at our finances. If you are approaching or have reached retirement age, this process should include reassessing your Social Security strategy for the post-pandemic world. Social Security is a major element of most retirement plans; so much in fact that at Heritage Capital, we’ve created this new guide: Understanding Social Security. However, as we move […]   Read More
Date: June 22, 2021

Time for The Bulls to Make a Stand – Cramer Warning More Selling

The stock market has now closed lower for four straight days and three consecutive post-Fed meeting. The pullback has been healthy and relatively modest, so far. On Friday we saw one of the big, quarterly options and futures expirations which usually see prices rally into the day and selloff post. That didn’t happen. Many people are focused on the negative seasonal trend post-June expiration.  However, most people are lazy and do not dig beneath the surface. I am not saying […]   Read More
Date: June 21, 2021

Watch The Reaction Not The News

I lost track of how many times in 32 years I have said, “it’s not what the news is, but how markets react”. On Wednesday the Federal Reserve concluded their two-day meeting. As I wrote about, the Fed did nothing and said nothing. Everything was as expected. That led to an initial reaction that Powell & Company were more hawkish, meaning more skewed towards tightening policy. Stocks sold off. Bonds sold off. Gold sold off. The dollar rallied. One day […]   Read More
Date: June 18, 2021

Fed Meeting Ending – No Fireworks Expected

The Federal Reserve concludes its two-day meeting today. The stock market model is for plus or minus 0.50% until 2pm and then a rally. There are several historical trends which point to higher prices today based on stocks not being at new highs as well as market action so far this week that was not strong. If stocks rally today, especially after the 2pm announcement and Powell’s tea and crumpets with the press, there may a trend calling for mildly […]   Read More
Date: June 16, 2021

Froth & Greed Are Back

Greetings from 38,000 feet as my JetBlue flight to Florida bumps along down the east coast. The markets begin the new week on continued solid footing over the intermediate-term. All market foundations appear to be solid which indicate that there should not be any major changes in trend. However, that doesn’t preclude any market, especially stocks, from seeing modest to moderate weakness over the short-term. Right now, the vast majority of stocks on the NYSE are above their long-term and […]   Read More
Date: June 14, 2021

Inflation Soaring – Bonds Yields Falling – HMMMMM…

As you know, inflation soared in May coming in at the highest level, 5%,  since August 2008. The core rate which removes food and energy because they are so volatile was 3.8% which is the highest since 1992. On the surface that is really hot and very worrisome. But my readers already knew this was coming as I began discussing it 10 months ago. Some of our portfolios introduced commodities in the middle of last year while others added my […]   Read More
Date: June 11, 2021

I Was Wrong – We Have a Problem

I was wrong. Last week, I left you with my opinion that April’s well below expected employment report was just an anomaly or aberration. And that a big upward revision was coming along with a strong May report. Well folks, May was weaker by more than 100,000 new jobs. Thankfully, the unemployment rate came in as expected. Two months is now a nascent trend and there is something structurally wrong with the economy. You know my trifecta. Vaccines + Massive […]   Read More
Date: June 8, 2021

5 Common Concerns Investors Have Today

As COVID-19 continues to recede, investors must re-adapt to an investment environment less distorted by the economic effects of the pandemic. Add to this new environment some of the same concerns that existed pre-pandemic, and there’s a lot of fear and confusion about investing today and in the future. To help investors navigate this interesting time, I publish regular articles to the Heritage Capital blog and speak to national and local media outlets. At Heritage Capital, we also created a […]   Read More
Date: June 8, 2021

***Q1 Client Update***

Many people like to read my very brief quarterly client update which I select excerpts. If you’re one of them, please read on. If not, feel free to delete now. Always happy to hear comments and questions. Although the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel has been shining since late last year, it certainly got brighter in Q1 of 2021 as more and more Americans got vaccinated and the economy continued to reopen. That’s where I am going […]   Read More
Date: June 8, 2021

May Employment Report Is Unusually Important

I usually poke fun at the media who say things like,”this is the most important Fed meeting of all-time”. That’s just a ridiculous comment. However, I will say that the May employment due out at 8:30am on Friday is an unusually important one. Recall that last month, Wall Street was expecting more than a million new jobs and the unemployment rate well below 6%. The economy only created 266,000 new jobs with a 6.1% unemployment rate. Something looked terribly wrong. […]   Read More
Date: June 3, 2021

June is Here – Not the Greatest Month

Over the weekend I published a video that everyone should have received discussing what keeps me up at night. In other words, the single biggest threat to U.S. economic dominance. Agree or disagree, it’s worth beginning the discussion after an unfathomable $6 trillion dollar budget was proposed by the Biden Administration. For frame of reference, the U.S. government doesn’t even receive $4 trillion in total revenue, yet the administration wants to spend $6 trillion on the budget alone. And that […]   Read More
Date: June 2, 2021

Stocks A Bit Tired But Don’t Get Fooled Too Early

The stock market has certainly transitioned to what was a powerful rally into a narrow trading range. That’s nothing new. Since mid-April the major stock market indices have basically gone nowhere. That’s not bad thing as they digest massive gains since early March. Tuesday was interesting day in the very short-term as stocks began to look a little tired. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I would look to become more positive on a 1-3 day mild […]   Read More
Date: May 26, 2021