

3 Scenarios for the Stock Market in Q2

After big declines in stocks, it pays to hear what the masses are thinking because they are usually wrong collectively. At the last major bottom in December 2018, most people were looking for a rally and a revisiting of the Christmas low. I was in that camp. As we know, stocks rocketed higher and never looked back all last year. There were plenty of confirmations in January that another decline was no longer in the cards. Today, we have a […]   Read More
Date: April 8, 2020

Bulls Huge Surge into the Zone

The bulls came back from the weekend in much better health with the intent of damaging the bears. Lots of hope on the Covid numbers out of NYC as well as the hope for the economy to reopen sooner than later. While I do love optimism, I don’t see the economy restarting so quickly. I think way too many confuse the curve flattening or peaking with things get dramatically better. But definitely count me in for hope! Monday’s rally was […]   Read More
Date: April 7, 2020

Bulls Looking to Open New Week with a Bang

Without jinxing anything, the weekend seemed on the “quieter” side regarding the news. While it remains bad, things didn’t accelerate to the downside so that’s something. After an abysmal jobs report on Friday, stocks were not down all that much after finishing with a flurry. As I always say, it’s not what the news actually is, but rather how stocks react. A 30%+ decline prices in a lot of the bad news we are seeing and what’s in store down […]   Read More
Date: April 6, 2020

Unfathomable Job Losses

On Thursday, the government reported that 6 million people filed for first time unemployment benefits. The states are finally catching up and able to process the overwhelming numbers. On Friday, the February jobs report saw 700,000 jobs lost with the unemployment rate over 4%. This is the first negative report of jobs since late 2010. I and everyone expect subsequent reports to be equally bad or worse. For decades, I have said that regarding investing, it’s not what the news […]   Read More
Date: April 3, 2020

First Bounce Fails. Bears in Control

In the last two posts I wrote about what I saw as the bulls having the ball early in the week with the bears taking over as the week proceeded. After a day and a half run by the bulls, they quickly gave up by lunch on Tuesday, allowing the bears to enjoy yet another 90% down day on Wednesday where more than 90% of the volume traded was in stocks going down on the day. As you know that […]   Read More
Date: April 2, 2020

End of Month & Quarter. Bears Getting the Ball

To say this has been a long month would be the classic understatement! Four weeks ago, I was all packed and ready to head to Cabo San Lucas for a long weekend before going on to LA for work. Cabo has been on my bucket list since I used to watch The Love Boat on Saturday nights in the 1970s followed by Fantasy Island. I know. Kinda pathetic, but with only 13 channels, there wasn’t much on. From high to […]   Read More
Date: March 31, 2020

Setting Up for the New Week

Last week was certainly one for the ages. It had everything a bull and bear would love and hate. March 23rd will go down as the internal or momentum low for this bear market, if that’s even the right term anymore. By internal low, I am referring to the bottom where the biggest swath of damage was done, where there was the most downside acceleration and panic. If there are subsequent lows in the coming weeks and months, I will […]   Read More
Date: March 30, 2020

This is NOT 1931 But Still Too Many Looking for Easier Markets

The bull are back in town, at least from Tuesday through Thursday they were. If you even casually follow the markets, you have probably heard that it has been the biggest rally since 1931 after the sharpest decline in the least amount of days since, well, 1931. 1931 was in the heat of Great Depression part I (GDI) which is not an enviable analog. From 1929 to 1932, stocks lost 89% before rallying more than 400% into 1937 when Great […]   Read More
Date: March 27, 2020

A Financial Strategy to Use Right Now

Tax Day Postponed As I wrote about the other day, I want to begin each update with something positive. As most people know, the IRS has extended tax filing day to July 15th. My read and that of the many CPAs I speak with is that’s across the board. If we are correct, that includes IRA, SEP and HSA contributions as well, along with paying tax owed and estimated taxes. When it comes to taxes, I always have mine done […]   Read More
Date: March 27, 2020

Bulls Working on Three Straight

Bulls Working on Three Straight On Sunday, I discussed the tiniest of green shoots and the scenario for stock market low on Monday followed by a rally. As I said at the time and since, I think it is “A” low, but perhaps not “THE” low. It is certainly a start and I am glad that the market responded to what was diminishing downside acceleration. It looks like those geniuses in Congress will finally pass a massive $2 trillion stimulus […]   Read More
Date: March 26, 2020

Not “THE” Bottom – 2008 Not a Good Guide

Well Tuesday was fun! At least for the bulls. Monday pretty much bottomed on schedule and we saw unprecedented and massive buying off the lows. It was really across the board with some eye popping numbers, like 93% of the shares traded went into stocks going up on the day. They were more than 2500 net issues trading higher than lower which is more than 10:1. In a vacuum some people would say that these are new bull market initiating […]   Read More
Date: March 25, 2020

TRUE Shock and Awe – We Need MORE from the Government Before I launch into another one of my “brief” updates, I want to share something good that can help everyone. While there has been major hoarding of paper towels, toilet paper and sanitizing products at the stores, I understand that supply chains are stocked and will continue to deliver to stores. Once people have their fill of toilet paper, it’s unlikely they will need more anytime soon. I just don’t get this. Why toilet paper? Why bottled water when […]   Read More
Date: March 24, 2020

The Tiniest of Green Shoots – Monday Not Looking Pretty

I want to begin by hoping everyone is staying safe and taking the necessary precautions when venturing out. I spent part of my work weekend mapping out a series of updates and then writing content. As you all know, I am not known for brevity so I thought it would be more beneficial to create a series rather than one very long newsletter. After this piece, I have a short one with some financial planning tips and a big picture […]   Read More
Date: March 22, 2020

Looking for a Green Shoot Within a Week

Stocks have not been up on back to back days since the market peaked one month ago. As I mentioned the other day, we have seen 6 independent days of widespread panic as you can see in the chart below. The very first sign of even a tradable rally will likely occur when we finally see stocks able to rally for two straight days. That opportunity should come next week at some point. Once we see some sort of low […]   Read More
Date: March 20, 2020

More Panic in the Air. Looking for Back to Back Rally Days.

I was hoping to post a number of indicators showing historic levels of bearishness and oversold readings in the stock market. However, when I started creating the charts, I couldn’t stop and I just gave up after making 18. Perhaps, I will offer again in a future post. As has been the case with every post, these are truly history making times, in the financial markets, the economy, global health, etc. The word “generational” doesn’t seem to do it justice. […]   Read More
Date: March 18, 2020

Corona Crash Continues. We WILL Get to the Other Side.

I wrote an update for yesterday, but I ended up hitting “save” instead of post and just realized it. Sorry about that. As I was emailing with a friend about analyzing what’s going, I said that short-term forecasts could literally be wrong before the ink dries on the paper. That’s how fast things are moving. I don’t want to jinx this (Lord knows we don’t need more problems), but I have been incredibly impressed that the electronic financial system seems […]   Read More
Date: March 17, 2020

No Adjectives to Describe. Generational?

The collapse in the financial markets this week has certainly been historic and epic. It has been on par with the moves we saw in 2008 and 1987 in terms of underlying carnage. The difference here is that it started from an all-time high only one month ago, something that we have never seen before in history. It also began without the usual crumbling foundation of the stock market, something I will write about next week. After Thursday’s whopping decline, […]   Read More
Date: March 13, 2020

A Decline for the Ages – Turnaround Tuesday Possible

Seeing the Dow Industrials lose 2000 points in a single day was something that wasn’t even on my worst case radar as recently as last month. But as we have seen many times this century with the advent and domination of computerized trading, things change at warp speed. Declines that used to take weeks, months and even quarters to unfold and complete are now compressed into days and weeks. Risk no longer slowly builds; it happens all at once. I […]   Read More
Date: March 10, 2020

UGLY Open Ahead

Stocks are set to plummet at the open as crude oil collapsed overnight. The revisiting of the February 28 low is here and we need to see if divergences develop to indicate a successful retest and the next step in the bottoming process. Trading today and over the next few days is going to be frenetic. I imagine enormous intra-day moves with many bouts of panic selling and margin calls. This correction continues to set precedents for its speed and […]   Read More
Date: March 9, 2020

Internal Bottom, More Downside Left, Dow 30K and Powell’s Blunder

On Monday, I spent a good deal of time publishing 9th Correction of the Bull Market – Dow 30,000 Coming in Q3. I think I did a pretty good job of putting the correction into proper context against the 8 other corrections during this bull market. So far, last Friday certainly has all the makings of the internal or momentum low I usually discuss during corrections. I will spare you and not post a deluge of charts, but here are […]   Read More
Date: March 4, 2020