

Another Seasonally Strong Day but Europe Should Not be Ignored

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with lots of good food, family and friends. As I wore the hypocrite hat this year, we celebrated ours on Wednesday night so my daughter and I could fly to Oregon on Thursday to watch the UCONN men and women play in the PK80 basketball tournament in honor of Phil Knight’s (Nike founder) 80th birthday. The men played such a great game to beat Oregon last night, something I definitely did not expect. […]   Read More
Date: November 24, 2017

Long & Strong for the Bulls. Happy Thanksgiving!

The bulls were long and strong on Tuesday with all five major stock market indices hitting all-time highs. You just cannot argue with price momentum. Semis, discretionary and banks were strong while the banks were just okay. We saw very good participation when looking at the NYSE A/D Line. High yield bonds were up but they could not add to their first half hour gains. Commodities, led by oil, just finished a little pullback and seem poised for a run […]   Read More
Date: November 22, 2017

Bulls Stampede Ahead. The Hatred and Disavowing Continues

It looks like the bulls are getting a jump on the very strong seasonal tailwind that exists the day before Thanksgiving. All of the major indices look to open strongly to the upside with all-time highs across the board possible by the time we dig into the turkey. On the sector side, semis continue their relentless rally with consumer discretionary really kicking it into high gear. Banks are climbing nicely and transports look poised for perhaps the most upside in […]   Read More
Date: November 21, 2017

The Disaster That is GE with 3 Alternatives

Last week, I had the pleasure of joining the Nightly Business Report hosted by two CNBC veterans, Sue Herera and Tyler Mathisen. You can find the segment at the 22 minute mark HERE. This is one show I always enjoy as I am the only guest in the segment and they let me articulate my point. On this particular evening, GE’s dividend cut was the big story of the day and that spilled over into dividend paying stocks in general. […]   Read More
Date: November 20, 2017

Bulls Plow Ahead Despite Major Issues in Washington

Stocks opened strong and surged all the way to 2pm on Thursday, as the bulls sprung back to life. Small caps led in a big way and the NASDAQ 100 scored an all-time high. Perhaps most importantly, junk bonds saw a huge day and began to repair the damage inflicted over the past month. On the sector front, semis are back to within one good day from new highs. Consumer discretionary which I left for neutral last month is also […]   Read More
Date: November 17, 2017

Bounce on the Way. Will It Stick?

After nothing more than one really bad day in most of the major indices, stocks look like they want to bounce, at least a little. The key index to watch will be the Russell 2000 which peaked in September and has seen an orderly 3% pullback ever since. For the past week, the small cap index has been trying to put in a low. Additionally, although early, this index will also have a seasonal tailwind next month and into January. […]   Read More
Date: November 16, 2017

Strong Case for Bears But Bulls Could Be Ready Again

And the pullback continues. Everything I have mentioned lately is still in place and uncorrected. We have sentiment that’s a little too bullish. High yield bonds under pressure. Sector leadership weakening. And a very split market with the same percentage of stocks doing well as poorly. Except for price momentum and the positive time of year, the stock market does not look good. Yet with all that, the Dow is less than 1% from all-time highs. Bulls have something to […]   Read More
Date: November 14, 2017

Lots of Concerns Abound

For the past 5 weeks I have often written about the elusive stock market pullback and the reasons why we shouldn’t be surprised to see it occur.  We had seasonal headwinds post-September. We had strength into earnings season. We had overly bullish sentiment. Nothing really mattered for more than a day. And just because stocks are seeing some weakness here, I am not beating my chest with “I told ya so”. Being early still equals being wrong. Over the past […]   Read More
Date: November 10, 2017

New Highs Abound But a Few Cracks Developing

Suffice to say that the bulls have basically stampeded any and all attempts to take stocks lower since mid-August. However, for most of that period, the market’s foundation was rock solid and bears were just fighting against strong momentum. Recently, that has changed. Because I have been traveling since late last week and a bit on the sick side, I haven’t spent the time to create the charts to support my point. The Dow, S&P 500, S&P 400 and NASDAQ […]   Read More
Date: November 6, 2017

The Next Fed Chairman & Post Fed Market Decline

Trump to Announce Fed Choice This Afternoon Love him or hate him, Donald Trump certainly is not behaving like his predecessors when it comes to most things, but definitely not the selection of the most powerful banker on earth. During the campaign, Trump harshly and unfairly criticized Janet Yellen for keeping interest rates too low and creating a “fake stock market”. That was until he became president and miraculously embraced low rates and the surging stock market as a referendum […]   Read More
Date: November 2, 2017

***Special Fed Day Alert. No Rate Hike. No Surprises***

Behavior Models for the Day As with every Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) statement day, there is a model for the stock market to follow pre and post announcement. Certain environments have very strong tendencies while others do not. Eight meetings ago was one of the rare times where the models strongly called for a rally on statement day which was correct as well as a decline a few days later which was also correct. Today, as with most statement […]   Read More
Date: November 1, 2017

Q3 GDP Sees Another Resurgence & Energy Looking Sweet Again

On Friday, the government released a first look at Q3 GDP which I had been looking in the 3% range before the hurricanes hit. It wouldn’t have surprised me if that number was a quarter to half point lower. However, even with the hurricanes, the resilient U.S. economy still grew by 3%. All year, I have written about the economy accelerating to the upside in Q2 and Q3 with the election as the catalyst. Way too many people underestimated the […]   Read More
Date: October 30, 2017

Pullback in Motion. Dow by Itself.

The Dow has now seen three straight days of negative behavior but the index remains a whisker from new highs. The big picture reveals some almost precedent setting behavior in the Dow as more stocks are closing lower than higher as the Dow was hitting all-time highs. That’s not your typical sign of strength. The S&P 500 and S&P 400 are a little weaker with the Russell 2000 and NASDAQ 100 a little more so. The pullback I have been […]   Read More
Date: October 26, 2017

Stocks Continue to Creep But Best Opp for Pullback is Now

It’s really the same old story as we begin the new week and the final full week of October. The intermediate and long-term continue to look strong as they have for days, weeks, months and quarters. Nothing has changed. The short-term is the time frame where it’s neutral at best. I have said all month that the bulls need a little rest, but they haven’t seemed to care. Today, as I look at the five major stock market indices, the […]   Read More
Date: October 23, 2017

Bulls Running Like Pamplona

This is looking more and more the running of the bulls in Pamplona. They just stampede anyone and everyone in their way. After the two strongly positive seasonal trends ended after the first week of October, there was sufficient evidence that stocks were due for a pause to refresh or modest, single digit pullback. That’s what I was looking for. Nothing big. Nothing significant. Nothing really actionable. Just your garden variety reset. Stocks came out of the gate to the […]   Read More
Date: October 20, 2017

Anatomy of The Stock Market Crashes of 1929 & 1987. Can It Happen Today?

Today is the 30th anniversary of the stock crash of 1987. All week long there has been a stream of recountings, anecdotes and comparisons to today’s market. While I love nostalgia as much as anyone, there are almost no valid comparisons to 1987 and it’s pretty much a waste of time to take that argument. Writers, analysts and investors who insist that stocks are about to crash like 1987 are either perma-bears who have been wrong for the past 8 […]   Read More
Date: October 19, 2017

Banks & Transports Still Tired. Modest Pullback Here.

Last Friday, I discussed what appeared to be tired behavior in the banks as they were selling off on good earnings news after rallying sharply into earnings season. Citigroup and JP Morgan were the examples. This morning, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley beat earnings expectations, yet reaction has been muted with the former opening sharply higher and then selling off while the latter is hanging tight. I would not be surprised to see Morgan Stanley buck the trend in the […]   Read More
Date: October 17, 2017

Banks Selling the News. Transport Close By

Earnings season is now in full swing which means that every morning. pre-market, you will find a slew of companies reporting as well as offering guidance or forecasts about the future. That creates a much higher level of single stock and sometimes single sector overnight risk. Right now, the major banks are reporting, after experiencing a near vertical ascent into Q3 quarter end. The last time I wrote a specific article about the banking sector, it had just touched a […]   Read More
Date: October 13, 2017

3 Reasons Stocks Will Peak Right Now

Good Monday Morning! Huge weekend if you are a sports fan although the decision making of my Yankees’ and Cowboys’ manager and coach likely just ended their seasons. At that level, the margin for blunders is razor thin and both Girardi (4 stupid decisions in 40 min) and Garrett (one giant brain freeze) cost their teams. While I have never been in their shoes, it’s the same thing I face each and every market day. Over the past 29 years, […]   Read More
Date: October 9, 2017

Three Big Short-Term Changes Today

Looking at the economic news of the day, jobs created in September actually declined for the first time since 2011. On the surface, that would be shockingly disappointing and brings in calls for recession. However, all of the drop from the expected 100,000 created will be attributed to the hurricanes. The unemployment rate surprisingly fell to 4.2% from the expected 4.4%. Until the economies in Texas and Florida get back to somewhat normal behavior, job numbers are going to be […]   Read More
Date: October 6, 2017