

Dow 15,000, Dow 13,700 and Fox Business

I am going to be on Fox Business’ Markets Now at 1pm today discussing the abysmal jobs report on Friday, the stock market’s rather muted reaction and what lies ahead this quarter.  There are a few scenarios which can play out from here and I will lay them out in detail this week in Street$marts, which I hope to work on in a few days. In short, my upside max of Dow 15,000 and downside of 13,700 remain the same. If […]   Read More

Investing in Tech for Dividends

A very spirited debate about dividend paying technology stocks. I laugh when I hear about how cheap tech stocks are because their price/earnings ratios are so low. They said the same thing to me about Apple when I trashed it at $625. And don’t forget that the banks and homebuidlers were “cheap” in 2007 right before 2008…   Read More

CNBC’s Closing Bell Today at 4:10pm

I am going to be on CNBC’s Closing Bell today at 4:10pm discussing dividend investing and why it may not be all that it’s cracked up to be!   Read More

Bulls Hanging On…

Here is yesterday’s segment from CNBC’s Closing Bell. We have month and quarter end on Thursday so I would discount any unusual action until the new month begins next week. The bulls are hanging in, trying to push the S&P 500 to an all time high and I think that should be seen since it’s only a few points away here. But my comments from the other day still hold. I see the Dow’s potential upside as 15,100 and […]   Read More
Date: March 27, 2013

Dow 15,000, CNBC and more…

I am going to be on CNBC’s Closing Bell today, March 26, at 3pm discussing the S&P 500’s continued assault on all time highs as well as the latest nonsense out of Cyprus, a country with the economic output of Vermont! As you know, we have been very bullish on stocks since mid November, especially through the overhyped fiscal cliff and sequester embarrassments. Sadly, looking at Washington’s fiscal calendar, we have many more “urgent” deadlines in 2013. Yippee! That means […]   Read More

Fox Business Today at 1pm

I am going to be on Fox Business’ Markets Now today at 1pm discussing the rally in stocks, what the heck is going on in Cyprus, a little bonds and what to do with new money waiting to be invested. Sunday night saw potentially huge losses for stocks on Monday, and although the market still opened much lower, it wasn’t as bad as forecasted and by the end of the day, it was essentially nothing. This institutional buying is a […]   Read More

Market Hits Milestone After Milestone

Here is my Fox Business interview and my take on how to invest right now.   Read More

Momentum Pushes Stocks to more All Time Highs

Last week, economic data and hopes for stronger growth in consumer spending helped drive the Dow Jones Industrial Average to a new record. The S&P 500 Index closed within two points of it all-time high established a little over five years ago.   The Wall Street Journal reported that the Dow’s 10-day run of gains through Thursday marked only the fourth time the average had achieved such a feat since the end of World War II—the last time was in […]   Read More

CNBC’s Closing Bell Today at 4:10pm edt

I am going to be on CNBC’s Closing Bell today with Bill & Maria today at 4:10pm discussing the merit in investing in technology for dividends over growth.   Read More
Date: March 11, 2013

Fox Business TODAY at 1:30pm

I am going to be on Fox Business today at 1:30pm assuming Mother Nature lets me get there! The discussion will focused on the Dow’s run to all time highs, today’s very good employment report and IF you should commit new money to stocks right here.   Read More
Date: March 8, 2013

Fox Business TODAY at 1pm est

I am scheduled to be on Fox Business’ Markets Now at 1pm today, assuming Mother Nature doesn’t throw a monkey wrench into those plans. We will be discussing how far the current stock marker rally can go along with my annual forecast for 2013. Street$marts subscribers should be receiving the annual forecast issue shortly, but nothing has changed over the past few months in our work. All time highs are on the way for the Dow and S&P 500 and […]   Read More
Date: January 28, 2013

CNBC’s Fast Money TODAY in the 5:00pm Hour

I am going to be on CNBC’s Fast Money between 5:05pm est and 5:35pm est today, January 14, discussing my long-term negative forecast on Apple and what it means for the stock market in general.   Read More
Date: January 14, 2013

2nd Worst Piece of Legislation in History

The 2nd worst piece of legislation ever just passed Congress. What did it do for our country? Not much! Here are my thoughts on Fox Business.   Read More
Date: January 8, 2013

US on Sound Fiscal Footing… NOT!

As we saw during the summer of 2011 with the debt ceiling debate, it seems like our elected officials can only strike a deal as the clock is ticking down to zero. And when they finally do forge an agreement, it ends up being one atrocious one after another. So yes, I think the bill that came out of Congress is a total joke. It doesn’t do a single thing to put our country on a sound fiscal course and […]   Read More
Date: January 8, 2013

Apple Turning Around

This morning, you likely received an email with Apple in the subject line and no content. I apologize for that! I was in a Philadelphia hotel room on the way out and I thought I hit “paste” and send. Obviously, my fat little fingers missed a step. When I received it on my phone, my first reaction was, NO! It reminded me of those unscrupulous Dotcom bubble stock touts who would send emails with either the company’s name or stock […]   Read More
Date: December 24, 2012

Will the Country Even Function on January 1?

The latest Street$marts has been posted!$marts20121221.pdf     Read More
Date: December 24, 2012

Santa Claus Rally

If Santa Claus should fail to call, bears may come to Broad and Wall. That’s an old stock market adage indicating that if we do not see the traditional Santa Claus rally over the final five trading days of the year, the potential for a bear market or major decline increases in the New Year. The final five days clocks at the close on the 21st, coinciding with the end of the world according to the Mayans. There is also […]   Read More
Date: December 19, 2012

The Single Most Overhyped Event Since Y2K

Here is the latest Street$marts that talks about Black Friday, Facebook, Apple, the “dreaded” Fiscal Cliff, how the bull market ends and some evidence of a weakening economy.$marts20121211.pdf   Read More
Date: December 14, 2012

More Fed Stimulus Lifts Gold But Hits Dollar

Posted December 13, 2012 By Trang Ho, Investor’s Business Daily  Posted 12/12/2012 06:41 PM ET  Stocks, gold and silver jumped while U.S. Treasuries and the dollar sold off Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said it’s expanding its economic stimulus program, known as QE3. The Fed will buy $45 billion a month in long-term Treasuries, to offset the expiration of “Operation Twist.” The Fed will also continue buying $45 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities. The Fed said its stimulus programs […]   Read More
Date: December 14, 2012

CNBC’s Squawk Box Wednesday @ 6:20am

I am going to be on CNBC’s Squawk Box on Wednesday (11/21) at 6:20am discussing the Fiscal Cliff, our forecast to year-end and the potential for recession. After that, I hope to have a Street$marts to you by the end of the day. Just in case I don’t, I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! Paul   Read More
Date: November 20, 2012